How it affects us and what precautions we should take

How it affects us and what precautions we should take
How it affects us and what precautions we should take
So, given all this, it is important to be very aware, we have to go and look inside at what our fears are and go see what I don’t want to see about myself. And the most important:

Flow with the energy of radical change

The best way to go through Pluto transits is to try not to resist so much, to trust and have faith.

It is time to encourage ourselves to let go of everything that is already “rotten”, everything that we cling to because it gives us a false sense of security, but that is actually holding back our potential. Mars brings us courage, so let’s take its energy consciously and encourage ourselves to be more coherent on our path.


Top tips for getting through this square:

  • Do healthy activities to release anger, such as sports, hitting a pillow, running, screaming, anything that helps me manage the overflow of emotions.
  • Do the conscious work of observing ourselves, of going to look at the contradictions that live inside us.
  • Meditate, use breathing techniques.
  • Speak with love, be patient with ourselves, take care of the way we treat each other, as well as with others.
  • Think and breathe before acting or responding. During this week we can be much more prone to fights.

So with all these tips Let’s go through this week with awareness!Let’s use this energy to our advantage, let’s be brave and honest with ourselves, because the true purpose of everything that happens in heaven is so that we can evolve and learn, and that we align with what our heart really desires and what we came for. to do in this world.

Next, we leave you a mantra for each sign, my recommendation is always that you read your ascendant first and then your sun sign. If you still don’t know your birth chart, you can follow me on my Instagram @kita.misi.astral where I leave you a video tutorial so you can calculate your birth chart and learn much more about astrology.

ARIES: “I open myself to change, let go and flow with the energy of abundance, reconciling my contradictions within myself”

TAURUS: “I observe with love what my fears and beliefs are regarding work and abundance, I carry out my work projects with confidence and courage.”

GEMINI: “I let go and release all those limiting and unconscious beliefs that hold back my potential, I open myself to faith and trust.”

CANCER: “I break and release all those fears that prevent me from being authentic and showing myself as I am, I encourage myself to work in a group to achieve my goals.”

LEO: “By activating in me the ability to reconcile and achieve harmony between my relationships and my work, I give myself the opportunity to generate new associations.”

VIRGO: ““I let go of the desire for control and all the limiting beliefs that prevent me from connecting with my personal power, I trust in my abilities and put myself at the service of helping those who need it.”

POUND: “I release the desire for recognition and I encourage myself to shine for who I really am, I integrate my shadows and everything that generates disharmony in me, I encourage myself to fight for what my heart desires.”

SCORPIO: “I observe my emotions and allow myself to feel, I connect with my inner child and embrace my fears, I allow myself to seek refuge in those I love.”

SAGITTARIUS: “I break with the thoughts and feelings of devaluation that seek perfection, I allow my creative potential to come out and I assertively communicate my emotions.”

CAPRICORN: “I let go of all those beliefs of lack that prevent me from connecting with my abundance and I allow myself to be lighter, I open myself to play and enjoyment.”

AQUARIUM: ““I make conscious in myself those limiting beliefs inherited from my clan regarding work and abundance, I connect with my desires and go out into the world with courage and confidence.”

PISCES: ““I let go and release all those limiting thoughts and beliefs, as well as the fear of following my desires, I allow myself to express and communicate my emotions.”

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