«Creativity, applied to all areas of life, is the real engine of change»

«Creativity, applied to all areas of life, is the real engine of change»
«Creativity, applied to all areas of life, is the real engine of change»

Sunday, June 9, 2024, 00:54

Antonio Banderas (Málaga, August 10, 1960) is making its debut. One of the most international Spanish actors, the one who in the early nineties made a splash in Hollywood after having already made a name in Spain with Pedro Almodóvar, has already received the first applause for ‘Tocando Nuestro Song’, the third musical (after ‘A Chorus Line’ and ‘Company’) as director of the Malaga native, who relies on a sparkling libretto, a lucid staging and the leading role of María Adamuz and Miquel Fernández to be installed at the Teatro del Soho Caixabank in Málaga the most fun and sophisticated Broadway. A perfectionist if ever there was one, the actor, manager and cultural promoter recognizes that, in these times of the immediate, the ephemeral, the key to success is effort and perseverance.

– More than three decades have passed since it began its international journey, since it crossed the pond. Is the Spain that he has found now very different from the one he left?

-The Spain that I left was shedding its skin and changing color. It came out of black and white, to give way to a whole range of colors, those of the movement of the 90s. The country woke up to a new reality in all areas: political, social, educational, cultural… Those three decades completely changed the physiognomy of our country. I experienced an important part of those changes from another continent and since I was not here, I discovered them every time I returned. Now I do live in Spain, although I travel constantly, and therefore I am immersed in day-to-day life and I am also part of the citizenry that causes and suffers from these changes. Some for the better and others not so much… But, undoubtedly, it is a very different Spain from the one I left.

– What would you say to young people whose aspirational references are often on viral content platforms?

– That achieving success or achieving the dreams that are pursued is not achieved from what is ephemeral or superficial. You have to work very hard and focus your attention on what you want to achieve. It is dangerous to educate young people in the culture of the immediate because everything is achieved with effort and perseverance. You have to dedicate time to things, deepen your learning and be aware and constant, for the sake of a job well done. That is my maxim, if I do things seeking excellence, I prefer not to do them. The Soho Caixabank Theatre, my most vital project, is exactly that, the search for success through excellence.

– After twenty films, in 1992 he received international recognition with ‘The Mambo Kings’, his first English-speaking role. Then came great hits like ‘Philadelphia’, ‘Interview with the Vampire’, ‘Desperado’, ‘El Zorro’… From there he became a cultural manager in his native Málaga. What do you expect from the ambitious Sohrlin Andalucía project with which he is so deeply involved?

– It is a project that is being developed and that I believe will be a before and after for the cultural offer of Malaga, Andalusia and Spain. Domingo Merlín, a highly recognized professional in the field of large shows, is my other half in this adventure that aims to recover the unique space of an old factory in front of the Mediterranean. The idea is to dedicate it to the creation, production, training, exhibition and distribution of performing arts and cultural entertainment with international projection. He is very ambitious since he will be the engine of the entertainment industry and, at the same time, a quarry by training young people in the professions of the performing and visual arts.

Sohrlin Andalusia Project

“It is very ambitious since it will be the driving force of the entertainment industry and, at the same time, a breeding ground for training young people in the professions of the performing and visual arts.”

– Do you think we promote our heritage or the diversity and richness of our identity enough internationally?

– From my field of work I always keep in mind the international dimension of my projects. Both El Teatro del Soho Caixabank and Espacio Sohrlin are an example of this interest in promoting Spanish culture and heritage, beyond our borders. The richness and variety of our culture is an example of everything that Spain can contribute to the world from all areas: culture, sport, science, gastronomy…

Maintain idiosyncrasy

– You have traveled the entire planet for your profession and, also, as an insatiable traveler. From his point of view, what differential values ​​do you think Spain has in an increasingly globalized world?

– Globality is a reality, but I believe that a country with as much personality as ours continues to maintain its idiosyncrasy and that is precisely what makes it more attractive to travelers. Here you will find incredible landscapes, infrastructure well prepared to receive tourists, varied and delicious cuisine; and a cultural footprint resulting from an extraordinary history and the fusion of Phoenicians, Romans, Visigoths, Arabs, Jews… And, the most important thing is that the people who welcome the foreigner with open arms.

-But, specifically, what do you think makes us so attractive to the American public that you know so well?

– Without a doubt, our history and culture. From the Prado Museum, which has the highest concentration of top-level art per square meter, to the cathedrals spread throughout our geography. But, also, unbeatable gastronomy and an endless wine offer. And now, like never before, a billboard of musical shows that have led Madrid to become the third capital of musicals in the world…

– Until recently the focus was on bringing the great Broadway musicals. Today, with initiatives such as the Soho Caixabank Theater in Malaga, the objective is for the American public to come to see the productions we make here. What is the formula for success to attract such an expert audience in large theatrical productions?

– Madrid has received an avalanche of musical productions with the great Broadway classics and other new scripts. All of them have coexisted and created an incredible offer for the public. Our proposal from the Soho Caixabank Theater has been to bet on recovering some of the most recognized musicals in history, such as ‘A Chorus Line’ or ‘Company’. We always look for projects that are iconic.

Project after project

– This week ‘Playing our song’ just premiered. What led you to choose this script?

– It is a commitment to look at couple relationships in a comedic way, but the characters in the story, little by little, reveal their small tragedies, their phobias, their desires and the use they make of humor as a defense mechanism. Neil Simon, Marvin Hamlisch and Carole B. Sager, librettist, composer and lyricist respectively, propose a narrative full of sweet irony and intelligence through which we dismember the personality of two human beings. A man and a woman, who travel through their existence with their pockets full of love and heartbreak, willing to face their powerful fears, unfolding and multiplying to suggest that, perhaps, all of us are different possibilities facing different paths and options. It is a tribute, a tribute, to a way of telling stories that invaded movie screens and our hearts during the decades of the American romantic comedy.

– And in October ‘Gypsy’ will premiere, another great commitment to one of the most awarded works at the Tony Awards…

– Yes, we want to release it, probably, in the fall. ‘Gypsy’ will star Marta Ribera, with musical direction by Arturo Díez Boscovich. The show will feature most of the original choreographies by Jerome Robbins, one of the great choreographers and directors in the history of musicals such as ‘West Side Story’ or ‘Fiddler on the Roof’. It is one of the best American musicals of all time and is based on the memoirs of artist and actress Gypsy Rose.

– Next June 12 he will receive the Turium Connecting Excellence Award in Madrid for his work as an ambassador of the culture and excellence of our country beyond our borders. After a life dedicated to the arts, do you think we underestimate the power of creativity as a catalyst for change and generator of wealth?

– Yes, creativity has always been associated with less economic notions and everything that had to do with it was considered as something that belongs to entertainment, rather than science or business. But it is clear that, without creativity, starting with the invention of the wheel itself, the world would not have evolved. In this digital era that we inhabit, now more than ever, it is the ability to be creative that makes the difference between machines and man. It is the real engine of change, now applied to all areas of life.

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