The surprising club of those born on June 9

Mathematical logic dictates that, in a place like Cenicero, an average of just over five people should celebrate their birthdays every day. However, in this particular case, the statistics are there to break. Because the population of Rioja, famous for its wines, maintains a curiosity that is now obvious: it is the municipality in the region with the highest proportion of residents born on a day like today, June 9, the community holiday.

There are a total of eleven people, with very different ages. They range from 12 years old for the youngest Nora (on the right in the image) to 87 years old for Felisa, the oldest (second from the left). In total, seven women and four men who are currently celebrating their birthdays.

One of the most curious cases is that of the aforementioned Nora, who shares the date of birth with her brother Mikel (on the left), who is exactly three years older than her. “We think our mother did it on purpose,” the two teenagers say, laughing. Since they were very little, Olivia, their parent, has woken them up on this day with the house full of balloons with the colors of the regional flag. “We are lucky that our birthday always falls on a holiday,” they add.

“We have once talked about going to celebrate the birthday all together,” those born on La Rioja Day proudly say.

When one begins to do the math to find a rational explanation for this demographic phenomenon, a clear conclusion is drawn. By subtracting nine months from the present date, we go back to some days in which everyone Cenicero is happy: the beginning of September, weeks in which the Virgen del Valle festivities take place. “It seems that our parents celebrated a lot then,” say the most sarcastic of the group.

However, although today their births coincide with the regional holiday, there were times when for many of them this date was not linked to any particular anniversary. One of those cases is that of Claudi (third from the left in the photo), born in 1949, who is now three-quarters of a century old. “My first anniversary, which coincided with La Rioja Day, was exciting because, until then, it was a normal day,” she says, who also explains an anecdote about her birth.

«My father, who was a carpenter, wanted a boy to help him in the workshop; “When I was born, he got so angry that it took him several days to go and register me,” she adds. Now, Claudi feels a strong connection with other Cinderellas born on this date. “I worked for many years at Feli’s bar, which also happens at the same time as me, she is like my older sister and we have always congratulated each other first,” he says. She also fondly remembers carrying Nora and Mikel when they were babies.

Another of the neighbors born on such a date as today is Juan Carlos, in his case, in 1970. This lifelong farmer (in the center of the image) does not remember exactly how he celebrated the first Day of La Rioja, but he does how the town, especially the countryside, has changed since then. “I wish we could go back to those late 70s, when we could make a living from our craft,” he details. As for the present moment, he joins the intention proposed by his companions of the anniversary to go on an afternoon of celebration all together. “It would be exciting,” he says.

The soul of all the ideas of the group, of this amazing club, is Fran. “I have very good memories of this June 9th, although I have almost always had to work,” says the journalist. This proud Cinderella native (second from the right), who today celebrates his 50th birthday, clearly remembers the initial steps of the regional festival as part of his childhood. “Although it was then October 8, I remember that on the original La Rioja Day, in 1978, several classmates from my class were chosen to go to Nájera to represent the town in the first celebration,” he says.

María Ángeles (third from the right), born in 1967 in Barcelona, ​​puts the cherry on top of the June 9 club. “I’m from outside, but I’ve been here all my life, so I’m proud to celebrate this symbolic day for us and the region,” she concludes.

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