Cuba will have a presence in the Brics Sports Games

Cuba will have a presence in the Brics Sports Games
Cuba will have a presence in the Brics Sports Games

Havana.- A REPRESENTATION of Cuba will attend the I Brics 2024 Sports Games, which will be held from June 12 to 23 in Kazan, capital of the Autonomous Republic of Tatarstan, in Russia.

The exponents of the Greater Antilles will venture into wushu, basketball and soccer. In the last two disciplines, competition will be carried out using the new phygital method, which combines the physical environment with the virtual one, and in which the sum of the results in each one defines the final location.

Around five thousand participants from more than 90 countries are expected to attend the event, including those belonging to the BRICS – a political and economic alliance made up of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – and invited nations. The host delegation will exceed a thousand athletes.

The competition program includes 27 sports. Added to those mentioned are athletics, swimming, diving, artistic and rhythmic gymnastics, canoeing, rowing, judo, fencing, tennis, weightlifting, badminton and wrestling.

Actions are also called in artistic swimming, horse riding, sambo, boxing, chess, karate and table tennis. There will also be space for acrobatic rock’n roll and breaking (dancing to the rhythm of funk and hip hop with pirouettes), the latter among the attractions of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

The Cuban wushu team, which will have presentations between the 13th and 16th, is made up of the experienced Rafael Alonso, Hiroshi Torres and Ricardo Ortega, along with René Álvarez and the twenty-year-old Leandro Cordero, under the direction of Meyling Wong Chiu.

The basketball competition is scheduled from the 15th to the 18th, and Andy Castellanos, Ibrahín Hechavarría, Arlén Dayán Zaporta and Joan Carlos Gutiérrez will compete for the Island, under the orders of coaches Omar Corres and Julio Enrique Altunaga.

Between the 20th and 22nd, the Cuban soccer team will compete with a roster made up of Kevin Rueda, Harold Aguilera, Jorge Luis González, José Harold Morales, Cristian Valiente, Jonathan Hernández, Ariel Pérez, Sergio A. Pérez and Freddy Herrera. The technical direction will be in charge of Omar Correa.

According to the organizers, the main objective of the fair will be to strengthen the sporting-friendly ties between the nations that make up the Brics and the invited countries, based on the principles of equality and non-discrimination regarding the eligibility of participating athletes.

The Games will precede the celebration next October of the Brics Summit, which will also be based in the city of Kazan.

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