Alfredo Cornejo stressed that 50% of the prisoners study or work in the prisons of Mendoza

Alfredo Cornejo stressed that 50% of the prisoners study or work in the prisons of Mendoza
Alfredo Cornejo stressed that 50% of the prisoners study or work in the prisons of Mendoza

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Alfredo Cornejo with the general director of the Penitentiary Service, Eduardo Orellana.

Government Press Photo

This is a modern space consisting of an intramural building, through which the penitentiary staff enters Boulogne Sur Mer; an external building for the administration area, and another where the Penitentiary Training Institute will operate, to meet the demand for training and professionalism of the staff in this important area of ​​​​security in the province.

In addition to the president, the Minister of Security and Justice, Mercedes Rus; the Undersecretary of Infrastructure and Territorial Development, Marité Badui; the Chief of Staff of the Ministry of Security and Justice, Hugo Sánchez; the Director General of the Penitentiary Service, Eduardo Orellana, and the Director General of the Police, Marcelo Calipo, participated in the inauguration of the complex.

The benefit for the penitentiary service

Cornejo pointed out that this new infrastructure for the penitentiary system “is part of a security plan that includes the deprivation of liberty as a preventive measure.” He also highlighted the professionalization and optimization of resources in the system, as well as the importance of training and Staff training.

“It is a pleasure to be here inaugurating a better infrastructure that helps directly or indirectly for the security of Mendoza,” said the president and mentioned that “The function of the penitentiary system is essential to prevent crimes and, obviously, to house people here who are outside the law and who we need to prevent from living freely in our society.”

In that sense, Cornejo assured that this task is a long process that began with a specific security plan that is being executed and where The deprivation of liberty has allowed violent crimes to decreaseHe clarified that “we have not stopped there, but we also work for the social reintegration mandated by our national and provincial constitutions, since these resocialization actions are those that increasingly require infrastructure of all kinds.”

Cornejo explained that the security difficulties are derived from the social and economic context that Argentina is experiencing, “but that our plan is being executed as ordered eight or nine years ago.” Furthermore, he stressed that “we are in that same policy.” “, with processes that are not as fast as the demand we have for greater security, but a path is being outlined and we aspire to do it faster, with greater effectiveness.”

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The new facilities that were inaugurated this Friday as part of the Mendoza Penitentiary System.

Photo Government Press

At another point in his speech, He stressed the important role played by staff training in the security plan. of the province: “It is much more professional than it was eight years ago, and we are proud of that.” Given this, he explained that “it does not mean that we do not have demands, so the answer is more and better training; training and training.”

The governor also stressed that in order to achieve the proposed objectives, the goal was also to improve the administration of more resources. “Some people may think that we are short of personnel and that is probably the case, but we are also proud that we are optimizing things better and we aspire to surpass what we have achieved so far,” said Cornejo.

After the speech, the president and the entourage proceeded to cut the ribbon for the inauguration of the three buildings, and then held the tour of the new facilities. Subsequently, he assured that “we would like the judicial system to accelerate its reforms, which would help ensure that with the investment that the provincial State is making, the procedures are increasingly more agile, with less expense and greater effectiveness.”

What’s more, he explained that with this new infrastructure “We are managing to have the entire administration in one placenot scattered in various places and without renting premises.” He also mentioned that this action “has to do with the academy, with professional training, since we need to be increasingly better trained, with the standards of these times.”

To expand on his statement, Cornejo added that “depriving people of their liberty who do not act within the framework of the law is an extreme resource that the State has, and the task must be carried out by increasingly professional personnel. In that sense, we are going to have an academy that will be able to accommodate those who train. For us concentrating the academy in one place is also optimizing resources.”

In other words, he explained that “we are concentrating activities with the Public Prosecutor’s Office because we want it to begin to fulfill that role, that will give us greater security” and commented that an example of this is that By avoiding the transfer of inmates from one place to another, the State will save resources and minimize the risk of escapes.among other things.

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All the authorities who participated in the opening ceremony this Friday.

Photo Government Press

Works that improve the penitentiary system

The Undersecretariat of Infrastructure and Territorial Development completed the works aimed at improving the operation and administration of the San Felipe Penitentiary Complex, the General Directorate of the Penitentiary Service of Mendoza and the University Institute of Public Security.

Specifically, the institute was created to meet the demand for training and professionalism of those who must be trained in security matters under the boarding modality, hence the design of two classrooms with capacity for thirty cadets each, a modern dining room and administrative offices.

It is important to remember that construction was halted in 2021 when the company carrying out the work was not awarded the contract. This infrastructure was restructured to optimize and make the operation of the entire prison system more efficient, since the space allocated to San Felipe will generate even greater security control.

This prison, Currently has almost 300 personnel for control, monitoring, safety, health, education and maintenance. 70% of this personnel belongs to the security area and the remaining 30% to doctors, nutritionists, teachers, lawyers, psychologists, social workers, nurses, cooks and administrators.

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Photo Government Press

The staff carries out all their work tasks within the prison walls, that is, in the same space where 1,700 inmates are housed, which means that to enter or leave the prison they must go through the guard, a situation that generates a large flow of people, violating the security of the system.

Likewise, the institutional growth of the Mendoza Penitentiary Service generated that the administration, in charge of nuclear the operation of all the prisons in the province, required a building located in the area and with close relationship with the Judicial Pole, the Transitional Detainee Station and Apprehended (ESTRADA), the Accommodation Centers, the Security Institute and the Automotive Park.


Penitentiary service personnel.

Photo Government Press.

The Base Law and the fiscal package

After the tour of the facilities, Cornejo gave a press conference where he spoke about various topics, including the approval of the Base Law in the Chamber of Deputies of the Nation: “It has a lot of considerations about economic deregulation and various concepts of another organization of the economy. The Base Law is essential to generate positive expectations so that people, small and large companies that are thinking about expanding their activity, reestablishing themselves, have investment possibilities. So, this is good for Mendoza because it creates conditions so that companies can produce.”

Regarding the fiscal package, the other law discussed in the National Congress, Cornejo said that “it lowers some taxes, such as the case of Personal Assets, which tends to be eliminated and allows money laundering and an incentive for companies or economic activities that are in black people start paying taxes, that is very relevant.”

He stressed that all provinces have around 50% of their economy in the black market, “which is negative for security, because having a market for used goods, many of which are stolen, is negative for security, so any whitening of the economy is positive for Mendoza.”

The Governor also referred to the restitution of the Income Tax and the impact it would have on the province’s economy: “Mendoza could receive, as long as it is not prosecuted and there is no protection, around 170,000 million pesos annually that “We had lost last year when this category was taken.” With which, he stressed that “there is also a tax benefit for Mendoza on that side”, in addition to what the process will leave for all those who adhere to money laundering.

Anti-hail fight

Regarding the anti-hail fight, the governor said that “we need to have an adequate system.” He recalled that during his first term, the Agricultural Insurance was created and said that “it worked well.” Furthermore, he pointed out that the mismanagement of the macroeconomy distorts prices “which is why what is paid for agricultural insurance is like what is paid for car insurance.”

“When prices are distorted so much it turns out that what is paid for insurance is not enough to repair the car and so on, well, that happened with the previous agricultural insurance. That was not the responsibility of the Province.”

“We aspire to protect the producer, fundamentally from hail storms, with insurance and credits for anti-hail mesh,” Cornejo stated and pointed out that “what is being spent in the company is a lot of money and no one has proven that it is effective for that protection, so we prefer to reconvert that system and protect.”

Furthermore, he assured that “we are going to give it an order that has to do with the whitening of the economy, with trying to get all those companies and farms in the South to whiten their work so that we can give them credit.” And he recalled that Mendoza has developed the anti-hail net system that has suppliers and offers credits.

“Last year only 90 credits were given for the anti-hail mesh and we aspire to give more, we also need to subsidize the rate and spend money on that, on making the credits cheap. And that is quite a management task that we believe we are prepared for.” to do it well and meet the ultimate goal of protecting farmers,” he concluded.

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