The Commercial and Industrial Centre of La Rioja will present a project so that the collective bargaining agreements of the commercial employees are transferred to the provinces

The Commercial and Industrial Centre of La Rioja will present a project so that the collective bargaining agreements of the commercial employees are transferred to the provinces
The Commercial and Industrial Centre of La Rioja will present a project so that the collective bargaining agreements of the commercial employees are transferred to the provinces

“We are going to present a project to all the deputies and senators of La Rioja, so that the joint ventures go to the provinces, because they force me to pay a salary, which cannot be paid,” said the director of the center, Juan Keulian.

16:33 | Friday, June 28, 2024 | La Rioja, Argentina | Fenix ​​Multiplatform

The union of commercial employees and the business chambers signed a joint agreement for June, July and August, reaching a basic salary of $858,200, with presenteeism.

The Argentine Federation of Commerce and Services Employees (FAECYS) together with the Argentine Chamber of Commerce (CAC), the Confederation of Medium Enterprises (CAME) and the Union of Commercial Entities (Udeca) agreed to a non-remunerative increase of 13.5 %, to be paid in three non-cumulative tranches: 5% from June, 4.5% from July and 4% from August.

For this reason, Multiplataforma Fenix ​​spoke with the director of the Commercial and Industrial Center of La Rioja, Juan Keulian, where he maintains that these collective bargaining agreements in the province cannot be paid. “These guys signed a collective bargaining agreement in Buenos Aires without thinking about the provinces. The collective bargaining agreements should be held in each province or by region.”

“We are going to present a project to all the deputies and senators of La Rioja, so that the joint ventures go to the provinces, because they force me to pay a salary, which cannot be paid” he added.

Keulian maintains that to pay each employee what this parity establishes. “A business in La Rioja needs to invoice 9 million pesos for each employee.”

He also pointed out that they will seek a meeting with the mayor, so that there will be marches ‘back’ regarding the increase in municipal rates. “So that they do not harm trade so much” and I add; “There is a very high level of evasion in commerce, and with real estate taxes that are not paid. There are businesses on the outskirts that pay nothing.”

“You have to get to work and do a job, so that people have tax awareness, so that everyone pays and so that taxes will not increase” he pointed out.

“If there are businesses that evade, it is unfair competition for the rest” he finished.


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