Capellán defines La Rioja as a “collective project with a rich past and splendid future”

Capellán defines La Rioja as a “collective project with a rich past and splendid future”
Capellán defines La Rioja as a “collective project with a rich past and splendid future”

Sunday, June 9, 2024, 1:45 p.m.

| Updated 9:03 p.m.


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Gonzalo Capellán premiered on La Rioja Day. Just a year ago, he went to San Millán de la Cogolla as president-elect, but Concha Andreu still held the command of the acting Executive. It was a very morbid celebration, more than the protocol of this occasion. This Sunday was also more intimate due to the forecast of rain, indoors, without the spectacular scenery offered by the Yuso patio although sheltered by a monastery with centuries of history. And on election day. Another La Rioja Day, with presidential words, winners and protocol, but different.

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The president closed the event with an open speech with that musical prominence that the Order of the Terrace or the singer-songwriter Emiliano Valdeolivas gave before, who gave heartfelt harmony to Codex 60, to the Glosses. Chords of history and vindication.

«History, culture, territory, feeling, future. Five principles, five values ​​that, if placed on the lines of the staff, would constitute the musical writing that will serve to interpret the future project that he wanted to build together with all the people of Rioja,” Gonzalo Capellán began his words melodiously, moving on to a new term. . “‘Somos’ clearly expresses not only that we have existed as a collective reality for a long time, but also that the feeling of being Riojans has been formally recognized since the approval of our Statute of Autonomy,” he stressed, recalling the regionalist impulse to which, returning again to the music, Carmen, Jesús and Iñaki made a song.

Words that summarize a legacy that Capellán traveled from Contrebia Leukade, Calagurris, Vareia or Tritium, but stopping in a special way at the ‘scriptorium’ of Suso where our language was born with a message of protest, which Fernando Riaño had also echoed before: «Notes on some codices that came to make up the richest documentary heritage of Spain, jealously guarded for centuries until 1851 in these Emilian monasteries. “Then they left La Rioja, but their intellectual and moral property will perpetually belong to this land where we hope to be able to see it again, live, with our own eyes and those of all who wish to visit our land.”

History, culture and heritage. “A long collective journey in which so many things are shared that an idiosyncrasy is taking shape, that of our land, of La Rioja and of the people who inhabit it, the Riojans.” To “make a path”, dreaming of a region in which “all people enjoy equal opportunities, freedom and means.”

La Rioja as a collective project “that includes us all” was the ‘leitmotif’ of the speech, in which he highlighted that “we Riojans can feel proud to be at the head of Spain and well above the European average in the rate of progress.” social”, referring to the community report released last week.

Economic development, conviction, spirit of collaboration, social sensitivity… «And let no one doubt it for a single moment: La Rioja has a future, a great future, whose path has behind it the support of a rich past, but above all a splendid future,” stressed Capellán, highlighting “future projects in fundamental areas: health (physical and emotional), education and training, youth, science and innovation, care for people, rural development, industrial advancement, entrepreneurship and technology, creativity and culture…”.

Gonzalo Capellán’s speech was quite neutral, institutional and timeless. With hardly any modern nods as his predecessors did. Words of identity, those that he asked us to reaffirm in the Rioja festival “to rejoice in the path we have traveled together, in the achievements we have achieved and to face with hope, determination and enthusiasm the collective challenges that lie ahead.”

Sheltered, together and mixed up in the Yuso Main Refectory

The weather forecast sent the institutional event of La Rioja Day indoors. There was no time for improvisation and everything was prepared indoors in anticipation of a stormy Sunday. He respected the rain, which watered San Millán de la Cogolla and its streets at night, but it appeared during the morning while more than two hundred guests gathered in the Main Refectory of the Yuso monastery, sheltered between walls of Rioja history due to the demands of the script. provided.

Since 2016, after that time when Pedro Sanz decided to cloister the event, La Rioja Day had been celebrated in the open, either in the Yuso patio or in front of Santa María La Real de Nájera. Three presidents later, Capellan made his debut in the Refectory, where the guests waited with organized precision for an event to begin that began, complying with the bad custom of being late, a quarter of an hour after what had been announced.

Together and mixed up were the guests, forming curious couples like that of Henar Moreno and Ángel Alda, sitting just behind José Ignacio Ceniceros and Concha Andreu, from whom Capellán took the baton. There were no surprises in the formality of an act in which the musical note, well blended with the stage, of La Orden de la Terraza and Emiliano Valdeolivas was appreciated. And the Glosses as a claim according to the place and the moment. ‘To study our past is to enhance our future’ read projected next to an illustration of Codex 60 presiding.

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