Unusual robbery among thieves in Córdoba ended with a spectacular crash, one arrested and three fugitives

Unusual robbery among thieves in Córdoba ended with a spectacular crash, one arrested and three fugitives
Unusual robbery among thieves in Córdoba ended with a spectacular crash, one arrested and three fugitives

The taxi in which the criminals were traveling ended up colliding with a Peugeot 206 that was parked on the sidewalk

It seems like a scene taken from a movie but it really happened, in the Cooperativa 16 de Abril neighborhood, of Córdoba Capital. The scene is as unusual as it is worrying and shows the escalation of insecurity that plagues the neighbors and sometimes turns against the very criminals who generate it. On this occasion, A thief was the victim of another group of thieves while he was committing a crime.

The incident occurred on Friday afternoon when a 36-year-old female taxi driver, who worked for the Transmitaxi company, left another driver from the same company near the Villa Posse neighborhood sports center, around 5 p.m.

In this precise moment, the driver was surprised by an assailant that, Through threats with a firearm, he got into the taxi and forced her to take him to Block 17, Cooperativa 16 de Abril.

Upon arrival at home, The criminal and the taxi driver were surprised, in turn, by three other thieves (who had no type of connection with the first) who acted in the same way: they threatened them at gunpoint and got into the vehicle. Once everyone was aboard the car, they stole their criminal “colleague”’s gun and the driver’s cell phone.

Before fleeing, one of the three “new” thieves moved into the driver’s seat to take the wheel but He lost control of the vehicle and crashed into a gray Peugeot 206 that was parked on the sidewalk of a house.

Finally, the unusual episode ended with the arrest of the assailant who was driving the taxi, 38 years old, who has a criminal record. While, the other thieves escaped, they managed to escape and they are intensely wanted by the police. None of those involved were injured.

Last week, the province of Córdoba was also the scene of a robbery that targeted the family of Chancellor Diana Mondino.. Last Thursday morning, criminals attacked the call center from Banco Roelaproperty of the family of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and valuable electronic objects were taken.

As confirmed by police and judicial sources Infobae, After breaking into the financial institution’s office, the thieves went to an accounting studio located in the same building, where they took money and a computer.

The incident was discovered around 7 in the morning when a bank employee arrived at the call center, located in a building in 275 Rosario de Santa Fe Streetin the heart of the capital of Cordoba, and noticed that the entrance door was broken.

To enter, the criminals managed to displace the escape door from the metal shutter and damaged the lock of the glass door entering the building. Afterwards, they broke the door of the call center office -located on the first floor- and They stole a notebook, a projector, a conference camera, a corporate phone and clothing with the bank’s logo.

Minutes later, they went to the ninth floor, where the accounting studio is, broke open the door and entered. They took $30,000 and another laptop. One fact that complicates the investigation – according to the sources consulted by this medium – is that the place does not have security cameras.

That same day, a retiree suffered a violent robbery in his home where A group of criminals entered his home, beat him, stole his belongings and took what was left of his retirement.. During the attack, the 77-year-old retiree suffered injuries to his right wrist and left hand.

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