Petro Government recognizes limitations to stop drone attacks with explosives by FARC dissidents

The new era of violence in Colombia, in which The FARC dissidents of Iván Mordisco adopted the use of commercial drones adapted with explosives to attack the public force, setting off alarms in the defense sector, which He recognized that today the strategy to stop these attacks is insufficient.

“We need to increase capabilities, we already have something insufficient (…) there is an alert,” said Minister Velásquez about criminal actions with drones.

He added that: “the events that have happened in recent days, that grenades are thrown from drones, fortunately there have been no consequences for soldiers; (was) what happened yesterday in Algeria, in the destruction or major damage to a commercial establishment. But this means increasing intelligence, having greater intelligence capacity and greater technological capacity to counteract these teams.”

The Minister of Defense, Iván Velásquez, acknowledged that the equipment that the public force has to contain drone attacks with explosives is insufficient. (Reference image). | Photo: GUILLERMO TORRES REINA

Likewise, he indicated that there is a call from the military to acquire anti-drone equipment. “General Mejía (Federico) said that they already have some equipment specifically to interfere with those drones, but that they need more and that there is no tender for that.”

secret meeting

The meeting took place in May 2023, in the rural area of ​​Cartagena del Chairá (Caquetá), with the greatest tranquility of the ringleaders, who knew that they were not going to be persecuted, they enjoyed the benefits of the ceasefire and they were not going to be attacked by public forces. The opposite would mean a serious violation of that cessation.

Iván Mordisco, alias Antonio Medina, alias Alonso 45, alias Danilo Alvizú and alias Calarcá, the leadership of the dissidents of the General Staff, met on a farm to develop the medium and long-term plan to incorporate drones in their terrorist attacks.

Mordisco did not come to the meeting empty-handed. According to the intelligence report known by WEEKthe head of the dissidents brought two technicians, experts in the handling of drones and explosives, who were ordered to train the first 15 members of the criminal organization so that they would learn how this technological equipment was manipulated for war purposes.

Retired soldiers assured that drones with explosives are a clear violation of international humanitarian law (IHL).
Retired soldiers assured that drones with explosives are a clear violation of International Humanitarian Law (IHL). (File image). | Photo: Private File Supplied

The meeting also had the objective of talking about the creation of new fronts in which the terrible technique of attacking the public force with drones loaded with explosives would be incorporated, following the example of what is happening in Ukraine, where a high percentage of the war with Russia has occurred through the use of these unmanned devices. For now, the strategy has been concentrated in Cauca, which today seems like a no-man’s land, and where the Military and Police Forces have lost all control.

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