Cuba in the Brics: invited by Russia to the Ministerial Council and the Sports Games

Cuba in the Brics: invited by Russia to the Ministerial Council and the Sports Games
Cuba in the Brics: invited by Russia to the Ministerial Council and the Sports Games

Cuba will be present this week in two events of the Brics group. And both events will take place in Russia, one of the founding countries of that group and which invited the island.

The first event is the Brics Plus Ministerial Council, which includes not only the ten nations that currently make up the group, but also representatives from other countries.

The Council takes place this Monday and Tuesday in the city of Nizhny Novgorod and Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez participates on the island.

The Cuban Foreign Minister, who arrived in Russia this Sunday, was invited to the meeting by his Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, official media report.

Rodríguez is accompanied by a diplomatic delegation and will hold bilateral meetings with his counterparts from several countries, including Belarus, Egypt, Brazil and Türkiye, “with the aim of analyzing the state of bilateral relations,” he points out. Latin Press (PL).

In addition, he will speak at the expanded session of the Ministerial Council, which “in the opinion of the hosts, will be the conducive platform for the exchange of opinions on current issues on the global agenda, including in the context of joint efforts to strengthen true multilateralism in international relations,” adds the information.

In accordance with P.L.delegations from the 10 BRICS member states (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Ethiopia and Iran) are present at the event, as well as “about twenty heads of foreign policy departments of like-minded countries, which represent regional interaction formats.”

After this meeting, the Cuban Foreign Minister — who arrived in Russia from China, where he met with political and business authorities — will travel to Moscow on an official visit.

According to the official report, as part of it, a meeting with Sergei Lavrov is planned “in order to analyze a range of issues regarding the deepening of the bilateral association in political, commercial, economic and scientific-technical matters.”

Cuba to the Brics Sports Games

Starting this Wednesday, the I Brics 2024 Sports Games will take place in Kazan, Russia, and in them Cuba will be represented by teams from three sports.

In the event, which will last until the 23rd, the island will participate in wushu, basketball and soccer, the latter two in the physical modality, which combines physical and virtual sports.

The wushu competition will be held from the 13th to the 16th, and for Cuba there will be Rafael Alonso, Hiroshi Torres, Ricardo Ortega, René Álvarez and Leandro Cordero, under the direction of Meyling Wong Chiu, according to the digital site Hit.

Andy Castellanos, Ibrahín Hechavarría, Arlén Dayán Zaporta and Joan Carlos Gutiérrez, along with coaches Omar Corres and Julio Enrique Altunaga, will represent the island in the basketball competition, from the 15th to the 18th of this month.

Finally, between the 20th and 22nd it will be up to the footballers to compete. The Cuban roster, led by Omar Correa, is made up of Kevin Rueda, Harold Aguilera, Jorge Luis González, José Harold Morales, Cristian Valiente, Jonathan Hernández, Ariel Pérez, Sergio A. Pérez and Freddy Herrera, the sports publication points out.

The I Brics 2024 Sports Games will bring together about 5,000 participants from 90 countries, who will compete in 27 sports.

Well-known disciplines such as athletics, swimming, judo and gymnastics will be joined by others less common in these events, such as sambo, acrobatic rock’n roll and break dancing.

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