Dressed as a gendarme and hatched by their father: inmate alerts “escape plan” of drug lord imprisoned in Concepción | bbcl_investigates

Dressed as a gendarme and hatched by their father: inmate alerts “escape plan” of drug lord imprisoned in Concepción | bbcl_investigates
Dressed as a gendarme and hatched by their father: inmate alerts “escape plan” of drug lord imprisoned in Concepción | bbcl_investigates

The court authorized the “urgent transfer” of Franco Ignacio Llanos Armijo (twenty-one). Indicted as a dangerous drug lord, the accused achieved notoriety for having commissioned – according to the investigation by the Public Ministry – the execution of three of his rivals at the hands of hitmen from the Aragua Train. His bodies appeared distributed in a “triangle” made up of three communes of Greater Concepción. All as revenge for the murder of his brother-in-law that occurred in the Santa Sabina sector.

According to new information compiled by BBCL Investiga, the decision comes after a “collaborating inmate” alerted of an “escape plan” by the inmate. All supposedly orchestrated by the inmate’s father: a former gendarme, known as Paco Checho.

PDI reports profile him as an active local dealer in charge of the “management and acquisition of drug consignments from the north of the country.” To evade justice, the same sources point out, he received help from his sister and her brother-in-law, both active Carabineros officials. (see The drug lord who brought a hitman from Tren de Aragua to execute rivals in the “triangle” of Concepción).

Paco Checho himself achieved notoriety after enemies staged an ambush against him in broad daylight, on one of the city’s main avenues.

The dating

Be that as it may, the alleged escape plan is contained in a technical report from the Gendarmerie. Dated on May 30 just past, the text states that a confidential witness warned – under strict protection of his identity – Paco Checho’s intentions to “rescue” his son from the Talcahuano Guarantee Court. This is the same court where the accused had to attend within the framework of the investigation being carried out there against him.

“The information is that the inmate’s father, as a result of the knowledge that he has of the institution and the security protocols that are adopted especially in this region, would be planning a rescue attempt from the court,” the document states.

According to the document, Franco’s extraction would be carried out with “support from various people, mostly foreigners.” All this, taking advantage of the “purchasing power” of the gang, with firearms and simulating the clothing of the Special Penitentiary Services Unit (USEP) of the Gendarmerie. That is, the elite tactical unit of the boldo green institution.

The information collected by the Gendarmerie also indicates that it cannot be ruled out that the “possible rescue action in question could be carried out in some other exit, such as a possible commission to the outside hospital.”

The murderers

Background contained in internal Gendarmerie documents profile Llanos Armijo as a prisoner of high public connotation. All this derived from the serious charges, linked to organized crime, that weigh against him: three homicides and drug trafficking.

As this medium revealed at the end of 2023, The accused is accused of having hired hitmen from the Aragua Train to execute Woldy Decimies, Alexis Raúl Evaristo Patiño and Aaron Nicolás Valenzuela Flores. They are a Haitian, a Venezuelan and a Chilean dealer, respectively, who participated in the murder of Franco’s brother-in-law.

The homicides quickly aroused public interest and the attention of the police, after they discovered the bodies distributed throughout a “triangle” made up of Florida, San Pedro de la Paz and Hualpén. The person who allowed the police puzzle to be put together was a reserved witness: she also ended up murdered.

negative leader

The same documents indicate Llanos Armijo as a “negative leader” of Module 7 of the Bío Bío Penitentiary Complex.

In fact, he has a fight that took place on March 3 of this year with knives and other inmates. As detailed in the report of the fight, it was all about a “power struggle between gangs.” The objective? “Keep control of the yard.”

Sources from BBCL Investiga maintain that precisely these quarrels could have led the cheater to report Llanos to the prison’s Internal Security Office. The same respondents assert that the “snitch” would correspond to a member of the accused’s own gang.

However, the Gendarmerie warned that the escape plan “It could seriously violate the security of the facility, as well as threaten the life of the inmate himself, the custody staff and possibly civilians passing by at the time of carrying out a transfer.”.

Thus, they requested to change the venue. They had two options in mind: La Serena or Valdivia. After the authorization granted by the court, the accused ended up in the capital of Los Ríos.

“It is authorized urgent transfer of the accused FRANCO IGNACIO LLANOS ARMIJO”, reads the decision of the Concepción Guarantee Court.

“Arbitrary measure”

Asked about this, the private defense of Franco Llanos Armijo assured that the transfer of his client was not appropriate, questioning the internal processes of the institution.

“We believe that the Gendarmerie protocols for the purposes of transferring defendants, with exemplary behavior, without any punishment, without previous convictions, protected by everything by virtue of the principle of innocence, should be more serious,” said lawyer Víctor Contreras.

Along these lines, the jurist pointed out that “They cannot substantiate and speculate like Hollywood (about) an alleged escape, with alleged rescues, with alleged armed men, given that they have not even found a telephone number for my client to launch serious and serious accusations.”.

Likewise, he warned that “they base their request on a statement made by another inmate, known as a toad, and based on what that other inmate declared, they take my client and take him to another prison in the country.”

Finally, the professional states that “this must be upheld, which is why as a defense we are studying the means by which we will seek to challenge this completely arbitrary measure.”


Regarding the situation, the Chilean Gendarmerie explained to BBCL Investiga that the transfer materialized during the last weekend.

“The CP Bío Bío staff managed to raise evidence of a possible external escape plan by an inmate of the establishment, in response to which the corresponding court ordered, based on the institution’s recommendation, the authorization of the transfer of this accused to another prison facility,” they detail.

In this sense, they indicated that “it is important to emphasize that the Gendarmerie of Chile has as a permanent function the development of investigative proceedings in such a way as to prevent possible actions that alter the penitentiary regime of any penal unit in the country such as fights, escape attempts, admissions. of prohibited elements or the commission of some other type of crime or administrative offense within a penal facility.”

Along these lines, they reported that “the relocation of the inmate took place over the weekend, in coordination with the special institutional transfer groups, without any type of incident being recorded.”

In closing, they maintained that “the rest of the information related to this procedure is reserved for security reasons.”

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