Sale of liquefied gas restarts with limitations in Sancti Spíritus – Escambray

Sale of liquefied gas restarts with limitations in Sancti Spíritus – Escambray
Sale of liquefied gas restarts with limitations in Sancti Spíritus – Escambray

The commercialization of liquefied gas in the main municipality restarts this Tuesday, June 11 intermittently due to not having enough product

The sale of the product will continue intermittently in the coming days. (Photo: Vicente Brito/Escambray archive).

After being paralyzed for 18 days, the sale of liquefied gas will restart from this Tuesday in the eight points of the main municipality, as confirmed to Escambray José Alberto Martínez, director of the Sancti Spíritus commercial house.

According to the manager, marketing will be carried out intermittently since there is not enough product: “It may be that one day there will be gas in four points of sale and the cylinders will be collected, also taking into account the shortage of balitas that we have. That is why we will inform the population every day about how the gas will be sold.”

More than 10,100 customers, of the 37,337 that the Sancti Spiritus municipality has, are registered at the points of sale waiting for the arrival of gas. In order to gradually respond to such high demand, priorities have been established.

“It will be sold by the queue that was previously established at the points and the number of cylinders available, the number at which it begins and the number that ends, will be reported daily through the different channels, explains José Alberto Martínez.

“There would also be the couriers to whom we would sell their two cylinders because they also provide service to the population, the five physically disabled or vulnerable cases that we are going to attend to and some consumers who buy through the Ticket platform (there are 4000 in total by this electronic tool) that were pending in the month of May when they could not be guaranteed the sale on Fridays as had been established and they went to the Office,” the manager pointed out.

The intermittency in the sale of gas is due to the deficit of that fuel at the national level.

“The province had gone 18 days without gas sales, but as was announced nationally due to the non-availability of the product, it was decided to start distribution in the West and the East where some provinces had gone 40 days without that fuel. In other words, as it arrives in the territory, the sale can continue,” the source stressed.


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