Communes of Biobío and La Araucanía suspend classes due to the frontal system

Communes of Biobío and La Araucanía suspend classes due to the frontal system
Communes of Biobío and La Araucanía suspend classes due to the frontal system

Due to the intense frontal system that hits the southern part of the country, Some municipalities in the Biobío and La Araucanía regions decided to suspend classes for this Tuesday, June 11.

The frontal system is recorded from the Maule Region to Aysén, with greater intensity in Biobío and La Araucanía, where some street flooding is reported due to precipitation, as well as strong wind along with the possibility of a thunderstorm.

The mayor of Nacimiento, Carlos Tolozaexplained that “we have made the decision, together with our area head, Daniel San Martín, and the directors of all the schools, the determination to be able to suspend classes tomorrow. As a result of the fact that Tomorrow there will be a lot of rain, a lot of wind and not everyone can arrive by vehicle. to their educational establishments”.

Check the details of the communes:

Bio bio region:

  • Birth
  • Saint Rosendo
  • Take
  • Talcahuano
  • Negrete
  • Curanilahue
  • Hualpén (specifically in the municipal establishments Escuela Thomas Jefferson, Liceo Pedro de Río Zañartu, Colegio Villa Acero and CEIA)
  • Burbot

Araucania region:


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