One hundred experts highlight the importance of data in companies at a Loyola forum in Córdoba

The Loyola University organized a business meeting yesterday at the Royal Circle of Friendship of Córdoba which served to highlight the growing importance of data in business decision-making. This event “not only highlighted the role crucial data in the era of generative artificial intelligence, but also provided a valuable opportunity to ‘networking‘for the more than one hundred representatives of the business community who have gathered,’ as the university institution noted in a press release.

«Given the importance of training and preparing professionals in the field of data analysis and artificial intelligence, Loyola University incorporated the degree in Córdoba campus into its degree offering in the 2022-2023 academic year. Data and Business Analytics, and it was the only institution in Andalusia that offers this specialization,” added the University.

The rector of the Loyola University, Fabio Gómez-Estern, was in charge of opening the meeting and highlighted the transformation that “Generative Artificial Intelligence is contributing to all areas and especially in business decision-making, providing advanced analysis and optimization of resources.”

The keynote lecture, titled ‘The importance of data in the new era of generative artificial intelligence’, was delivered by Susana Andujar‘digital partner Business Development for Customer Transformation’ at IBM Consulting, and moderated by the vice chancellor of Research at Loyola University, Mercedes Torres. Andújar highlighted how “the collection, management and effective use of data are essential pillars for the development and application of the Artificial intelligence generative”, while highlighting “the challenges and opportunities they present in terms of ethics, privacy and equity.”

Improvements in competitiveness

Andújar explained that by 2030 “the GDP The global economy will have grown by 24 percent, the equivalent of $15.7 trillion, as a result of AI, half of which will come from improvements in productivity and the other half from increased consumer demand as a result of improvements in products enabled by AI.

After the conference, a round table moderated by Pilar Castro, dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences at Loyola University, was held, in which experts such as Luis Olmo Ferrete, ‘manager’ at Data & AI Strategy in Capgemini Invent and former student of the Loyola University; and José Ángel Pérez, partner of NTT Data for Andalusia, Canary Islands


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