Díaz-Canel receives credentials from ambassadors of seven countries › World › Granma

The First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and President of the Republic, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, received on Tuesday morning the letters that accredit representatives of seven countries as extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassadors in Cuba.

Early in the morning, the Head of State held exchanges with the new heads of missions of Vietnam, El Salvador, Timor Leste, Barbados, Spain, San Marino and Nicaragua.

In the protocol ceremony with each of the diplomats and their companions, the dignitary thanked his nations for their support in the fight against the economic, commercial and financial blockade of the United States Government against the Greater Antilles.

Next to Díaz-Canel was also Gerardo Peñalver Portal, Minister of Foreign Affairs. The president expressed to everyone the willingness of the government and other Cuban authorities to support them in the work they will carry out during their service.

When receiving His Excellency Mr. Le Quang Long, new ambassador of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the Cuban President underlined the historical relations between both peoples and governments, founded on the ties of brotherhood between Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz and Army General Raúl Castro Ruz with Ho Chi Minh, and that have continued throughout all these years.

He celebrated that this year marks the 65th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, as well as the 70th anniversary of the victorious Vietnamese battle in Dien Bien Phu, events that are also commemorated in Cuba.

The president sent “a greeting, a hug and affection” to the general secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Nguyen Phu Trong, and president To Lam, who conveyed equal congratulations to the president of the Greater Antilles through ambassador Le Quang Long.

The diplomat was the bearer of an invitation from Nguyen Phu Trong for Díaz-Canel to make a new visit to the country.

Le Quan Long expressed the great esteem that exists for the relations between the two nations and pointed out his task of continuing to strengthen bilateral ties in the political, diplomatic and economic-commercial fields.

Díaz-Canel stressed for his part that Vietnam and Cuba, their people, parties and governments, “will continue to march in the construction of socialism.”


The will to continue strengthening relations in different areas was the common denominator in the exchanges of the President of the Republic with the extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassadors who presented their credentials.

When meeting with Her Excellency Doris Elizabeth Rivas Polanco, representative of the Republic of El Salvador, Díaz-Canel sent greetings to his colleague Nayib Bukele and pointed out that Cuba has all the political will to develop relations in different areas, such as cultural , academic and health, a sector in which there have already been links of cooperation.

Rivas Polanco stressed that Cuba and El Salvador have historical relations, and among their missions here is to re-promote the collaboration agreements that have been signed together, and expressed his satisfaction at being able to work in cooperation with the Cubans.

The historical relations between Cuba and the Democratic Republic of Timor Leste mark the ties between both small island states. This fact was confirmed during the presentation of the credentials of the new ambassador of that nation, His Excellency Mr. Nivio Leite Magalhaes.

Díaz-Canel commented that the links were founded by Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz and continued by Army General Raúl Castro Ruz with the Timorese leaders, while, he noted, we feel satisfied to contribute a grain of sand in the training of Health personnel in that country, and made clear the will to continue advancing and deepening relations.

“For Timor Leste, Cuba is not only a friendly country, it is a brother country,” emphasized Leite Magalhaes, who was the bearer of greetings from President José Ramos Horta and Prime Minister Xana Gusmao for Díaz-Canel. She also highlighted that Fidel, Raúl and Che are world personalities very loved by the Timorese people.

Fraternal, filial, was the meeting between the Cuban President and the most excellent Mrs. Doctor Sharon Milagro Marshall, when she presented the letters that accredit her as ambassador of Barbados. When exchanging with her, whose mother is from Guantanamo, and also her husband, Díaz-Canel told her: “welcome to her second homeland.”

The Head of State recalled the close ties of friendship that unite him with Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley, to whom he sent a hug. Barbados, he added, is a Caribbean stronghold in support of Cuba. He also emphasized the decision of the Greater Antilles to give continuity to the agreements adopted during the CARICOM-Cuba Summit held in Bridgetown.

On the day he also presented his accreditations to the President of the Republic, His Excellency Francisco Javier Hergueta Garnica, new ambassador of the Kingdom of Spain and who previously served as cultural attaché of that diplomatic headquarters.

His work was then highlighted by Díaz-Canel, who told him, “welcome, back in Cuba, here you are known for all your work.” Hergueta Garnica commented on the great affection and love she feels for Cuba, “it’s like coming home,” she said.

The Cuban president sent greetings to the President of the Government of the Iberian country, Pedro Sánchez, and highlighted the historical ties between the two nations.

He highlighted the participation of the Spanish business community in our economy. Spain, he said, is our main trading partner and the first investor in Cuba in the European Union, and he thanked the Spanish businessmen and women, who, he emphasized, have maintained their presence despite the difficulties.

Upon receiving the credentials of Her Excellency Giulia Suzzi Valli as extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of the Republic of San Marino, Díaz-Canel highlighted the excellent bilateral relations and recalled the visit, last year, of Foreign Minister Luca Beccari to Havana, to who received at the Palace of the Revolution.

The President expressed the will to expand political, economic, commercial and cooperation relations between Cuba and San Marino. “Those of us that are small countries always understand each other well,” he said.

The Cuban dignitary sent a warm hug to the Nicaraguan president, Commander Daniel Ortega, and to Vice President Rosario Murillo upon receiving the accreditations from Her Excellency Guisell Socorro Morales Echaverry, new ambassador of Sandino’s homeland on the Island.

Between Cuba and Nicaragua there are exemplary relations for the world we live in today, Díaz-Canel told the diplomat. They are close relationships, with a high level of coordination, he stated.

The Head of State congratulated Morales Echaverry on the appointment, and recalled that this July 19 commemorates the 45th anniversary of the triumph of the Sandinista Revolution, a date that should not be overlooked, he said.

Photo: Revolution Studies
Photo: Revolution Studies
Photo: Revolution Studies
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