Aysén Sports Corporation provides equipment to fencers

Aysén Sports Corporation provides equipment to fencers
Aysén Sports Corporation provides equipment to fencers

The tools will be used by the Fencing Workshop of the Almirante Simpson School in Puerto Chacabuco.

At the 21 de Abril Sports Center, equipment was handed over on loan, previously used to hold fencing competitions at the venue, so that the fencing workshop at the Almirante Simpson School in Puerto Chacabuco can practice with better clothing than the one they currently own.

Carlos Cárcamo, executive director of the Sports and Recreation Corporation of the Municipality of Aysén, commented that it is important to facilitate this implementation so that the training processes can continue working and, in the process, contribute to communal sports.

“We can tell the community that activities related to fencing are being carried out. Also invite the children who are within this establishment to join the workshop, so that we can have greater results and there is a greater call from the students in this beautiful discipline,” revealed Carlos Cárcamo.

The equipment consists of three fencing courts with their respective scoring machines and ten practice foils, as well as a bag with gloves for children. The total price of these elements is estimated between 7 to 12 million pesos.

The workshop monitor, Oriel Rojas, explained that the implementation will help the children adapt to the scoring machine, the cables and the refereeing process. “It is so that they know how to recognize the score in each weapon they are going to practice, which can be epee, foil or saber, the implementation is clearly going to be useful to us,” he indicated.

Edilia Parra, president of the fencing workshop, mentioned that they want to hold a championship among the boys themselves, so that they can gain experience.

“They have already had a tournament and for the first time it was super good. The boys are very motivated, now more so with the equipment, because you can see that they are learning every day and have formed their discipline; thank you for everything,” he expressed.

On June 29, the workshop plans to hold an internal tournament to present the progress of its students.

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