They investigate if there were other cases

They investigate if there were other cases
They investigate if there were other cases

It all started with some chats on the social network Facebook, which is one of the man’s recruitment channels. The young woman felt comfortable and attracted, so she moved from virtuality to a face-to-face meeting.

They agreed to meet in a square. For the aggressor it is a way to gain the trust of his victim who feels safe in a public place. This also speaks of a certain self-confidence on the part of the aggressor.

The modus operandi of the rapist

This meeting took place on Saturday morning. The talk flowed and the man got the young woman to agree to go to her house in the Cordón Colón neighborhood where there was substance and alcohol consumption. Nothing that is not something quite common these days.

One detail that must be taken into account is that the man would sell drugs. He would also use this as a way to attract young girls.

The truth is that at a certain point the young woman wanted to leave and asked him to take her home, but the man insisted that she stay and have sex. Faced with the young woman’s refusal, he became furious.

The rapist’s attack was brutal

He did not take the rejection well and everything turned into violence. The man locked the door of the house, forcing the victim to stay against his will. That is, he kidnapped her.

Through threats and blows to the face and the rest of the body, he sexually abused her. She even hit him with a pool cue that broke in the middle of the beating.

The survival instinct led the young woman to pretend to agree with the man who had her kidnapped for around 10 hours.

That way of surviving allowed the man to finally take her home. On the way, she was able to activate the recorder on her cell phone and reproached him for everything she had done to him. To which he responded in a threatening tone: “You have to be grateful that you are alive.”

When she arrived home, her relatives were quickly warned by the young woman and they beat the man who managed to quickly flee in his car.

A couple of hours later, they both met at the hospital. She came to undergo the examination dictated by the protocol and he to heal some injuries caused by the victim’s relatives.

As soon as the complaint was filed, prosecutor Eugenia Titanti moved quickly and ordered the man’s arrest and implemented the abuse protocol to protect the victim.

This Wednesday the charges were laid for the crimes of sexual abuse with carnal access and kidnapping. In addition, the prosecutor requested preventive detention for six months.

The guarantee judge endorsed the charges and agreed with the period of preventive detention and also ordered a four-month period to investigate.

Police mobile.

The Prosecutor’s Office and Police have information that there would be more victims of this aggressor.

What else is there in the investigation?

Details are very important in any criminal investigation.

After the attack, the man put away his car and took a taxi. When they raided it and searched the vehicle, they found traces of blood and also found 70 thousand pesos in cash. Not everyone forgets money in the car.

Added to this information is that the investigation shows that the man has not had a job for two years. However, they find 70 thousand pesos in the car. They remember suspicions that he would sell drugs. Everything seems to add up.

Another interesting detail is that information came through different channels that the victim would not be the first and that there are other young women who went through and suffered similar situations in that house in Cordón Colón.

If it helps, victims can file a complaint with the prosecutor’s office under absolute confidentiality and protection. They can even resort to the web complaint that appears on the website of the Public Prosecutor’s Office.

For now, the investigation of this fact is progressing, but the case seems to be much more intriguing.

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