the express procedure of the Foreign Ministry to appoint her ambassador

the express procedure of the Foreign Ministry to appoint her ambassador
the express procedure of the Foreign Ministry to appoint her ambassador

According to the electronic document management system (GDE), the process began on Thursday, June 6 at 7, in the Advisory Cabinet Unit that conducts Caspar Sprüngliright hand of the chancellor Diana Mondino. Sprüngli sent a memorandum in which he requests to “promote the issuance of the administrative act for the designation” of Crexell as representative to UNESCO.

A few hours later, after 2 p.m., the corresponding internal legal opinion was requested for the senator’s appointment. The next morning, on Friday the 7th, the file entered the Legal and Technical Secretariat of the Presidency, which leads Javier Herrera Bravo. Since that noon, no more movements were recorded.

“The file is suspended,” he told Letter p a source from the Casa Rosada, once the Foreign Ministry’s procedure became public, which, as this portal learned, was carried out in record time. In the Government they assure that the leak of the data is “an operation” to lower Crexell’s vote from the basic law.

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The negotiations between the Government and Crexell for the embassy based in Paris became public on Monday night, the 3rd, with the journalist’s story Carlos Pagni in your program LN+. On Friday the 7th, the newspaper replicated the same information Clarion.

A ticket to UNESCO

Surrounded by accusations of having negotiated her vote in exchange for the embassy at UNESCO, Crexell explained the situation over the weekend in the newspaper The morning from Neuquen. “There was a conversation last year, before the presidential elections were decided. I had planned to go to an international organization, I was working for that. This proposal is then deactivated and resumed in April. That is the reality of the offer I receive to occupy a place in an organization. Then comes an issue that has nothing to do with it, and it is a bit of what got mixed up due to the times, which are the negotiations for the Bases law,” said Crexell.

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The Crexell appointment file began on Thursday the 6th after 7 in the morning.

The issue escalated shortly before the session, when it was learned that the senator had received a message from some of her peers, who let her know that, if she had negotiated her positive vote in exchange for the embassy, ​​they would denounce her for the crime. of “gifts”. The senator from Neuquén had been especially harsh with the project during the debate in committees and even had a disagreement with the now chief of staff, Guillermo Francoswhen he presented in commission, on May 7.

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After the presentation of the officials, the Government opened negotiations. He made concessions to the provinces and agreed to make changes to the project. In the course of the talks, Crexell’s agreement and her possible appointment as ambassador to UNESCO were leaked.

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The processing of Crexell's file was frozen on Friday the 7th at noon.

The processing of Crexell’s file was frozen on Friday the 7th at noon.

Hours before the session, this Tuesday, the file with the request for his appointment was known, which began on June 6. After the publication of the news, Crexell confirmed that he will vote in favor of the basic law “at the request” of the governor of Neuquén, Rolando Figueroa and said that the controversy is intended to “frighten” her to prevent her support for the project. In La Rosada they highlighted that the document was not sent to the Senate.


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