They created a company in La Pampa and today they provide services to one of the main retailers

They created a company in La Pampa and today they provide services to one of the main retailers
They created a company in La Pampa and today they provide services to one of the main retailers


Darío Peña and Juan Ozino Caligaris They met by chance or, rather, by accident. At the end of the ’80s, at the height of the bike-cross frenzy, they were both going down the start of an improvised track with other kids, during a cold and windy afternoon in Santa Rosa, La Pampa. One got caught with another’s bicycle, they fell, and a third who was coming behind couldn’t stop and ran over them. By then, they were around 10 years old and lived a few blocks away, although they had no connection with each other. Some time later, as teenagers, Peña and Caligaris met again, became friends and started a new career together.

After finishing high school, both settled in the city of Buenos Aires. Peña graduated as a Systems Engineer, and Ozino graduated as an Industrial Engineer. By 2003, they gave shape to their first venture: Ipaddress, focused on security services. hosting and technology. And a decade later they consolidated the business and renamed it Nubity,

Darío Peña and Juan Ozino Caligaris, co-founders of Nubity, met when they were kids in a bike-cross race

“The company arose from the needs that we saw in companies, due to the lack of knowledge and experience of developers and IT teams in everything related to the design, the migration of applications, and the subsequent administration of that infrastructure in the cloud. “explained Ozino Caligari, country manager for Argentina at Nubity. Among its main clients were firms that had already adopted the technology cloud or that they were interested in incorporating it. Such was the case of companies e-commercetechnologically based, digital marketing and start-ups.

Initially, The Nubity office was installed in the Industrial and Logistics Center of General Pico, in La Pampa. It is a productive free zone in the country, with incentives for the establishment of technology companies.

Identified the potential of the business, Peña and Ozino They set their sights on Mexico in order to take the first step towards internationalization. “We considered it to be the optimal market, due to the strength of its economy, the size of the market and issues linked to language and culture. Furthermore, we always thought about the future landing in the United States, so it was consolidated as a nearby take-off platform. And to this was added that we already had certain contacts that allowed us the networking initial,” explained Peña, who settled with his family in the Aztec capital and today holds the CEO’s desk. “We learned about cultural differences, which translate into the way business is done, both commercially and personally,” he said.

After several stages of seed investment and acceleration, In October 2016 they raised US$2 million through a Series A roundwhich were allocated entirely to the growth of the company.

Years later, when the business already seemed consolidated, it took a new turn. “Our pitch, not very marketing but effective, was: ‘We manage servers ensuring that they do not go down and your business does not stop‘. However, in a summit of Amazon Web Services we come across a key concept: ‘The servers They are going to disappear,’” Peña said. And he clarified: “We did not panic because we were in the industry and we already knew about the trend. But we had never heard it in such an explicit way, which logically led us to rethink our vision.”

Darío Peña settled in Mexico to open a new office and expand the business

From then on, they incorporated technologies and tools and redefined their focus: today they aim to help companies be more efficient, supported by cloud technology. “We help our clients with migration, development and modernization of applications, integrating them into Machine Learning, Gene AI, Business Intelligence and Customer Experiencewhich went from being a ‘nice to have‘ still ‘must have‘ in any area of ​​a company,” explained Ozino Caligaris.

Currently, according to the entrepreneurs, More than 11 million companies in Latin America face the challenge of improving their processes and results with limited resources. “The cloud services market is extremely dynamic, demanding and highly competitive, but it is also rapidly expanding, as companies have a growing need to adapt their old technologies and make them more efficient. That is why, at Nubity, we are betting on doubling growth over the course of these two years,” Peña added.

For Peña and Ozino Caligaris, the north was always clear. “All of us in this industry recognize Amazon Web Services (AWS) as the technology leader cloud; and from moment zero, we aim to be partners. This is not an easy path, since it requires constantly validating knowledge, success stories and good practices, but it was worth it,” they agreed. To the date, Nubity positions itself as one of the few AWS certified companies in the region

Among these validations, the firm has competencies in Migration, DevOps and Managed Security, as well as in Amazon Connect – the omnichannel solution offered by AWS. The latter was implemented, for example, for the Bimbo group, which thus managed to reduce call abandonments by 75% and times by 40% in its contact center, which translated into an improvement in customer satisfaction. as they specified.

From its office located in General Pico – which was later followed by another in the City of Buenos Aires -, Nubity operates for Amazon Mexico and for the Bimbo group since the beginning of its operations, to whom it provides services in more than 20 countries. . The firm of Pampas origin brings together a team of 70 professionals, distributed in Argentina, Mexico and other countries.

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