PUCV participated in the International Edutic Seminar “The Era of Infinite Content”

The Teaching Development Program of the Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso (PUCV) was present at the XI International Edutic Seminar, titled “The Era of Infinite Content.” The event, which took place at the Sheraton Hotel in Santiago, brought together leading experts in educational technology and pedagogy, providing a space to discuss the transformations in education driven by vast access to digital content, measured by artificial intelligence.

The participation of the PUCV Faculty Development Program was essential to obtain valuable knowledge about emerging trends and best practices in the use of technology in education. Cristian Figueroa, coordinator of the Innovation area of ​​the Teacher Development Program, highlighted the importance of attending these conferences to stay at the forefront of educational evolution.

“Edutic artificial intelligence in education to the creation of personalized learning ecosystems,” said Figueroa.

The seminar featured a series of presentations from international experts, who addressed how unprecedented access to information is reshaping the educational landscape. The presentations covered a wide range of topics, including the application of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and data analytics in education, as well as strategies to foster digital competence among students and teachers.

Figueroa highlighted “one of the most revealing presentations was about how artificial intelligence can personalize learning for each student, adjusting the content according to their specific needs. This not only optimizes the educational experience, but also allows teachers to spend more time on activities that promote critical and creative thinking,” she commented.

Another significant presentation explored building learning environments that integrate digital content effectively and ethically. “The challenges of filtering and validating information in an ocean of data are enormous. Learning to guide our students to navigate this landscape effectively is crucial to their academic and professional success,” she added.


The assistance of the PUCV Teacher Development Program to Edutic XI underlines its commitment to continuous improvement and the adoption of innovative practices in education. The University seeks not only to adapt to changes, but also to lead educational transformation in Chile and beyond. “It allows us to collect fresh ideas and perspectives that we can apply in our programs to better prepare our students and teachers to face the challenges of the future,” Figueroa concluded.

Find out more about the different initiatives promoted by the Teacher Development Program on the site https://desarrollodocente.pucv.cl.

By Ayskée Solís H.

Academic Vice-Rector’s Office

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