ENRE Resolution No. 354/2024: request to expand the electric energy transportation capacity in the Province of Buenos Aires

ENRE Resolution No. 354/2024: request to expand the electric energy transportation capacity in the Province of Buenos Aires
ENRE Resolution No. 354/2024: request to expand the electric energy transportation capacity in the Province of Buenos Aires

Through ENRE Resolution No. 354/2024, the National Electricity Regulatory Entity publishes the request to expand the electrical energy transportation capacity that EDENOR presented for Substation No. 369 – Zappalorto of 220/132 kV, located on Luis Viale Street, between Gavilán and Timbúes Streets, in the Town of Mariano Acosta, Merlo District, Province of Buenos Aires. The work consists of the installation of a new 220/132 kV 300 MVA transformer, the construction of a double 220 kV bus and the incorporation of additional fields in the double 132 kV bus.

The dissemination of the request extends for five administrative business days on the ENRE and CAMMESA websites, and for two consecutive days in a widely distributed newspaper in the place where the work will be carried out or that may be affected in electrical matters. From the last publication made, another period of ten administrative business days will run so that whoever considers it appropriate to raise their well-founded opposition in writing before this National Entity.

In the event that there are common justified presentations between different users, the ENRE will call a Public Hearing to allow EDENOR to respond and present its arguments. Once the indicated deadlines have expired without the presentation of opposition or an alternative project being registered, this National Entity will grant the corresponding Certificate of Convenience and Public Necessity.

In its articles 5 and 6, ENRE Resolution No. 354/2024 establishes the requirements that EDENOR must meet when carrying out the work.

Information on other requests for access and expansion of the electrical energy transportation and distribution networks, under national jurisdiction


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