They denounce that La Pampa bottles and markets Mendoza water

After knowing that The Pampa bottles water that it receives from Punta del Agua and markets it in Santa Isabel and Algarrobo del Águila, among other towns, progress was made with a presentation before the Supreme Court of Justice because that situation fails to comply with the agreements for the Atuel River who subscribed Mendoza with the neighboring province.

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In this context, the mayor Omar Felix received the head of Irrigation, Sergio Marinelli and to the Secretary of Government of General Alvear, Fabio Gomez Parrawho analyzed what happened with the water resource that starts from Punta del Agua and provided details of the legal actions that Mendoza has filed.

“This is a continuation of the meeting we had in General Alvear for the defense of the heritage of the South, in this case a water resource of the Atuel River,” said Félix.

The complaint was made before the Supreme Court of Justice.

“We are concerned about the use they are making of water in La Pampa. The 1992 agreement, by which water is provided, establishes good neighborliness and solidarity for 6,000 inhabitants for human use, something that today is violated. It is a resource that It leaves Punta del Agua and is packaged and marketed, violating good faith between neighbors,” Félix explained.

The investigation arose after evidence provided by residents of Punta del Agua. In fact, containers of treated water were displayed on the table in the main office, with their labels detailing its origin.

“They generated a commercial network that reaches Neuquén, it is not accidental,” said Marinelli.

Precisely, An Irrigation delegation acquired drums in La Pampa and tested their marketing. After this action, progress was made with a complaint before the Supreme Court of Justice.

An Irrigation delegation acquired drums in La Pampa and tested their marketing.

The superintendent of Irrigation maintained that “We are in the presence of a serious fact that flouts the current treaties” and added: “this is the first step, since now they ask that the water also reach the Desaguadero River from all the rivers in Mendoza. “The Pampas objective has nothing to do with water, it is merely political.”

After the meeting in the Municipality, Félix and Marinelli agreed to visit Punta del Agua to register neighbors and add them as users of the aqueduct.

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