Governor highlights alliance with mining and energy companies in the “More Sustainable Córdoba” Forum

Within the framework of the Mining Energy Forum “More sustainable Córdoba”, held this Wednesday within the framework of the programming of the National Livestock Fair, Governor Erasmo Zuleta Bechara highlighted the strong alliance between the Government and companies in the mining energy sector, underscoring the importance of responsible investment and positive social impact in the region.

Zuleta Bechara emphasized the need to move from words to actions to make the triad between private business, academia and the government work. “That articulation, that synergy that must exist between the company, the academy and one as a ruler, who is the public, must simply be the articulator to draw out that clear roadmap and make things happen in our territory,” he declared. .

The governor’s central message was clear: the Government of Córdoba is a committed ally with companies in the mining and energy sector. “Today I want to tell the members of the different companies in the mining and energy sector that they have an ally in the government of the department,” said Zuleta Bechara.

This alliance, according to the governor, is focused on translating the wealth of the territory into well-being and quality of life for the inhabitants of Córdoba, generating opportunities through energy and other natural resources.

The president highlighted that the energy generated in the region, through projects such as Urrá and others based on water and mineral resources, must bring direct benefits to local communities. He pointed out that, despite the department’s energy generation capacity, the population still does not see a positive impact on its rates and competitiveness. “Energy not only impoverishes the families of Córdoba and the Colombian Caribbean, but has also limited us from being more competitive,” he said, questioning the lack of direct benefits for the region.

Regarding the gas sector, the governor mentioned that, although Córdoba has between 10% and 12% of the country’s reserves, more than 30% of its population still does not have access to this resource. He highlighted the mineral wealth of the department, especially in areas such as San Jorge, in municipalities such as Puerto Libertador and Montelíbano, and called on companies to invest in programs that improve the quality of life of the community.

Zuleta Bechara highlighted the flexibility offered by the current law, allowing mining and energy companies to reduce up to 50% of their income through the works for taxes mechanism, as long as they invest in strategic projects of their choice. “The condition is not imposed by the Government, but by companies, but really in our department what we need are investments that allow us to comply with our development plan and transform the territory of the department of Córdoba,” he stressed.

The event brought together local authorities and representatives of the mining and energy sector of the country and the Caribbean region.

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