They constitute the first Employability Roundtable for Los Ríos

They constitute the first Employability Roundtable for Los Ríos
They constitute the first Employability Roundtable for Los Ríos

The purpose of the work table is to carry out a collaborative process, and it is expected to generate positive impacts on job placement.

This Wednesday, the first Employability Roundtable for the Los Ríos region was formed in Valdivia with representatives from the public and private world.

The event took place in the offices of the Sence regional directorate, and was headed by the presidential delegate Jorge Alvial.

The purpose of the working group is to carry out a collaborative process, and it is expected to generate positive impacts in the workplace, and identify employment needs and opportunities.

The presidential delegate noted that “one of the great objectives we have is to advance collaboratively in the creation of new jobs, keeping in mind the dignity of the worker, and respect for labor rights.”

For his part, the regional director of Sence, Erick Arcos, highlighted that “as a Service, we have various tools to enhance the employability of people, according to the needs and requirements of the territories and the labor market.”

“In order to develop it, it is very important to work in an articulated manner between the public and private sectors, since the participation and commitment of all the actors involved is required to achieve a positive impact on employment in the region,” he added.


Among the concrete actions that were agreed upon in the first session were a regional job fair, and the targeting of training courses for the formalization of businesses.

In addition, they explained from Sence, the articulation of communal tables will continue to bring the promotion instruments closer to the employability of the workers of each of the communes.

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