Chilean councilor demands that the US remove Cuba from the list (+Photo)

“Cuba does not export terrorism, it exports well-being, health, with its permanent collaboration missions in different countries of the world,” said Gabriela Mistral, also a member of the Chilean Writers Society branch.

He recalled that a few months after the triumph of the Cuban Revolution, a medical mission from the island arrived in Chile to care for the victims of the Valdivia megaearthquake of May 22, 1960.

The earthquake, measuring 9.5 degrees, was the most powerful recorded in the history of humanity and left nearly two thousand dead and two million affected, he said.

Aguilera considered that keeping Cuba on the United States’ unilateral list has tangible effects that make the life of the population more difficult with impacts on food, health and development.

Furthermore, inclusion on that list violates the fundamental principles of international law, he stated.

Aguilera is the author of the book “The Embrace of Two Brother Peoples: Chile and Cuba,” which addresses the links between both countries since a group of Chileans decided to participate in the struggles for the independence of the Caribbean island from Spanish colonialism.

She also wrote The Platform of Dreams, A Goodbye at the Havana Airport, Oshún Walks Alone in the Rain and Yemayá, the Virgin of the Sea of ​​Baracoa, the latter set in Cuba.



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