The Palacio de la Merced in Córdoba hosts the 1st Professional Guidance Conference for young people with disabilities

The Palacio de la Merced in Córdoba hosts the 1st Professional Guidance Conference for young people with disabilities
The Palacio de la Merced in Córdoba hosts the 1st Professional Guidance Conference for young people with disabilities


The Baroque Patio of the Palacio de la Merced, headquarters of the Provincial Council of Córdoba, hosted this Thursday the First Vocational and Professional Guidance Day for students with disabilities ‘The show of your life’, a space in which both families and Young people themselves have been able to get advice on the options they can find once their educational stage ends from the age of 21.

In statements to journalists, the delegate of Social Rights of the Provincial Council, Irene Aguilera, accompanied by the delegates of Educational Development and Vocational Training, Equality and Employment of the Board, José Francisco Viso, María Dolores Sánchez and María Dolores Gálvez, respectively, and the president of the School Council of Andalusia, Manuel Pérez, explained that “these days that we host are pioneers and respond to the idea of ​​working to ensure that people with disabilities are autonomous and independent. On that path, there is a moment in that the umbrella ends and new tools have to be incorporated again.

“This is the place and the time to do that, when they finish their educational process. It is the moment in which we must show our young people with disabilities what they can do by offering them the help of entities. This is very important because we have to think not for them, but with them,” Aguilera said.

In addition to offering information on training, work, leisure, free time and assistance resources, the event seeks to make visible the work carried out in the specific special education centers in the province of Córdoba, as well as that of entities, associations, foundations and centers that work for and with disabilities.

Throughout the morning, the young people have participated in workshops and dynamics and have visited the stands located in the patio by companies related to disabilities such as Fepamic, ONCE, Futuro Singular, Autismo Córdoba, Down Córdoba, Prode, CEEE Virgen de la Esperanza , CEE Niño Jesús, Acpacys, Disgenil, Funlabor, Promi, Albasur, Acopinb, Aproni, Uco Inclusion, the Territorial Delegation or the Andalusian Employment Service.

Likewise, the Assembly Hall of the Provincial Council has hosted a round table aimed at families in which specialists in the field have addressed some of the problems that affect young people with disabilities. In parallel, the Ziryab Music Conservatory hosts more than 200 counselors from the Provincial Guidance Network who have participated in several training sessions.

As a culmination of the day, students from the CEEE Virgen de la Esperanza will perform their musical ‘Beauty and the Beast’ at the Gran Teatro de Córdoba at 6:30 p.m.

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