Ministry of Defense denies budget cut for the purchase of gasoline by the Colombian Army

Ministry of Defense denies budget cut for the purchase of gasoline by the Colombian Army
Ministry of Defense denies budget cut for the purchase of gasoline by the Colombian Army

On the morning of this Thursday, June 13, the Ministry of Defense issued a statement stating that, ““There is no fuel budget cut for this sector.”

This is due to the information that was known in the media that reported a cut by the Ministry of Finance by 14,000 million pesos, for the acquisition of gasoline by the National Army.

Firstly, the Ministry of Defense indicated that the Ministry of Finance has implemented a blockade of resources to all sectors of the Government as a preventive and temporary measure. “This blockade is applied while it is precisely determined which items will be affected by a possible reduction or definitive blockade.”

And he added, that “These blocks were carried out indiscriminately and do not reflect the real intentions regarding the blocked items.“.

On a second point, the military portfolio indicated that it has been working in coordination with the Ministry of Finance and the cut proposals that we consider viable in our sector have already been sent.

“It is important to highlight that These proposals do not include reductions in the items allocated to the purchase of fuel“said the Ministry.


Resources are requested in the middle of the year

And along these lines, in a third point the Defense sector clarified that, “at this time of year, following a common procedure that has been repeated in previous years, our Ministry requests additional resources from the Treasury to ensure the purchase of fuel necessary for the sector.”

Finally, the Ministry reaffirmed its commitment to maintaining the necessary resources for the optimal functioning of our Public Force to guarantee the protection of life and communities.

Justice Editorial:

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