Chubut participated in the Federal Sports Meeting – Chubutline – Latest news

Chubut participated in the Federal Sports Meeting – Chubutline – Latest news
Chubut participated in the Federal Sports Meeting – Chubutline – Latest news

During the event, held in Buenos Aires, the provinces asked the Nation to define the contributions for the Evita Games. In addition, there was an agreement to develop the Federal Sports Program.

The Government of Chubut, led by Ignacio “Nacho” Torres, had an outstanding participation during the Federal Sports Meeting led in Buenos Aires by the Secretary of Tourism, Environment and Sports of the Nation, Daniel Scioli, and which brought together the authorities of the area of ​​all the provinces of the country.

On behalf of the province, the president of Chubut Deportes, Milton Reyes, attended, who valued the programs that are being developed covering the vast territory of Chubut in addition to raising the main needs of the province in sports matters.

During the meeting, Scioli together with the Undersecretary of Sports of the Nation, Julio Garro, formally presented the 2024 work plan, in addition to addressing issues inherent to the national sports agenda and that of each province in particular.

Both national officials also referred to the continuity of the Evita 2024 National Sports Games, whose final will take place in the city of Mar del Plata from November 4 to 9, with a focus that points to the projection towards the Olympic Games of the Dakar 2026 Youth.

In this sense, the respective municipal and provincial bodies were delved into, in addition to training and clinics for participants, trainers and delegates; The authorities of the National Government listened to the different concerns presented by the provincial representatives, assuming the commitment to work and carry out the following points: Define in the next 96 hours the budgetary contribution by the Nation for the Evita Games; respond to the request of the provinces to jointly evaluate the organization scheme of the competitions according to the sporting reality of each of them and agree on a new work meeting scheduled within the next 40 days to prepare the Federal Program of the Sport.

The president of Chubut Deportes also revealed that Scioli and Garro also spoke about other public policies implemented by the National Government in sports such as the Argentine Clubs program, the Sports Initiation Schools, Training and the TAR and DAR programs that the National Undersecretariat carried out together with the National High Performance Sports Entity (ENARD).

Attendees from all over the country

Along with the president of Chubut Deportes, Diego Erroz (Tucumán), Matías Runin (Tierra del Fuego), Carlos Alberto Dapello (Santiago del Estero), Flavia Padin (Santa Fe), Gustavo Coronel participated in the meeting representing the rest of the country’s provinces. (Santa Cruz), Gabriela Rivero (San Luis), Pablo Tabachnik (San Juan), Claudia Vásquez (Salta), Nahuel Astutti (Río Negro), María Fernanda Villón (Neuquén), Aldo Steinhorst (Misiones), Jorge Córdoba (La Rioja) ), Ceferino Almudévar (La Pampa), Luis Calvetti (Jujuy) and Mario Romay (Formosa).

Also present were Ricardo Lupi (Entre Ríos), Jorge Terrile (Corrientes), Luis Calvimonte (Córdoba), Fabián Vázquez (Chaco), Fabián Turnes (CABA), Guillermo Perna (Catamarca) and Leandro Lurati (Buenos Aires).

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