Vigo, Juez and Rivero, the support of the senators of Córdoba for Javier Milei’s project

After a marathon session, the Senate approved the General Bases law this Wednesday night with 37 positive votes against 36 negative, after the tiebreaker given by the vice president of the Nation and head of the body, Victoria Villarruel, in the midst of a climate of tension inside and outside the premises. During the early morning, progress was made with the fiscal package, which had some modifications.

In the case of the senators from Córdoba, both Luis Judge as Carmen Alvarez Rivero of the PRO voted in favor of the project. Of Federal Unit, Alejandra Vigo He also showed his endorsement of the megaproject.

“There is no record since the return of democracy that in six months of government a president does not have an instrument to put together a road map,” Judge supported the President during the debate and added: “Then we will see if the instrument he chose works, if the economy is reactivated and the anguish is alleviated.”

Along the same lines, Senator Álvarez Rivero supported the official initiative and celebrated the sanction: “A great step for Córdoba and the country to have more investments, more work to train, more freedom,” she said after the approval of the Bases Law. And in the previous session, during the debate she highlighted: “Today the conditions – the framework – of Argentina do not attract investments. We want work, we want more investment. We have to free Argentina a little and those investments are going to rain.”

For her part, legislator Alejandra Vigo this Thursday, after the official victory for the project, indicated that the Bases law is a “tool” that is granted to the national government “for its management.”

“We know that a law does not solve all the problems of Argentines, but I consider that this sanction accompanies the expectations of a large majority of the country. Ultimately, the Argentine people are the ones who make the effort to move forward.

Through his social networks, after ending the session, Vigo indicated that he hopes that the law “will serve” him to organize the economy and overcome the deep crisis that the country is suffering and highlighted his work to incorporate modifications in the pension moratorium, which will continue in force and “guarantee the continuity” of the functioning of organizations of culture, science, technology and education.

“We will continue working on the necessary laws to promote employment and achieve the development of Córdoba and Argentina,” he concluded.

Cordoba support

This week, in the run-up to the debate in the Senate, the governor Martin Llaryora He reiterated his support for the “base law” ensuring that “the Government must be provided with the necessary instruments.” This was stated on Tuesday after attending the annual event organized by the Conciencia Civil Association, in the city of Buenos Aires.

“From Córdoba, as a Córdoba party, we have been accompanying all the presidents with the instruments, because if not, rather than being part of the solution, you are part of the problem,” said Llaryora and added: “In December we could not accompany the ‘ base law’ because there were things that were harmful not only for Córdoba, but also harmful for Argentina, like clearly again imposing a withholding tax, an added tax on production,” he added.

Previously, the Cordoba president met with the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo with whom he spoke about the reactivation of national public works in Córdoba, and finally this Thursday – while the law was being debated in Congress -, he signed a collaboration agreement with the Chief of Staff Guillermo Francos, to advance with three road works, key to its management.

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