CÓRDOBA SELECTIVITY 2024 | Miguel Ángel Moreno, the best Selectivity grade in Córdoba: “I expected a high grade, but not a 14”

CÓRDOBA SELECTIVITY 2024 | Miguel Ángel Moreno, the best Selectivity grade in Córdoba: “I expected a high grade, but not a 14”
CÓRDOBA SELECTIVITY 2024 | Miguel Ángel Moreno, the best Selectivity grade in Córdoba: “I expected a high grade, but not a 14”

Miguel Ángel Moreno, the best Selectivity grade in Córdoba: “I expected a high grade, but not 14”CORDOVA

“I was expecting a high grade, but not a 14 which implies not having made any mistake that, due to nerves or haste, can always be made no matter how well you have prepared the topic”, these are the words of Miguel Angel Morenothe Fidiana Institute student who has obtained the highest Selectivity grade in Córdoba, nothing more and nothing less than a 14, the highest score.

The news caught this student enjoying the End of year trip in London along with the rest of his classmates and teachers, “it was like coming down from the room this morning and receiving all the congratulations,” he tells this newspaper excitedly. Miguel Ángel wants to study a double degree in Physics and Mathematics at the University of Seville, since this option is not in Córdoba, a clear option “since in the third year of ESO a teacher told me about the possibility of studying my two favorite subjects and I fell in love with the idea.”

For this young man, high school “is not so hard if you know how to distribute the work every day responsibly and consistently. This long-distance race has already reached the finish line, so this summer Miguel Ángel intends to spend time with his friends and family, in addition to dedicating himself to his hobbies, reading and cinema; Although he also has new challenges, “I intend to get my driving license,” explains the young man.

The student Sofía Sierra.

Sofía Sierra, has a 13,925 and will do Medicine

“I had good expectations for Selectivity, but I thought they would be lower,” says excited Sofía Sierra, the student from the Virgen del Carmen school who has obtained a 13,925, a grade with which he wants to enter Medicine in Córdoba“I was clear about the career that I wanted to study, although I didn’t care if I didn’t get in here and had to go somewhere else, but I did want that,” he explains forcefully. The young woman is “more into science subjects”, and subjects with greater practice, so for the preparation of the exams, Language was the option that was most difficult for her. With the work and effort made in these courses that “have been hard, but they go by quickly”, it is now time for her to rest and “disconnect” in these summer months.

The student Inmaculada Muñoz.

Inmaculada Muñoz, has a 13.9 and will do Medicine

“I thought I had done well, but not so well, I’m very happy and proud because also after these two years that I have been putting in a lot of effort, I am glad that it has borne fruit,” acknowledges the young Inmaculada Muñoz, the student at the Sagrado Corazón school who has obtained a 13.9. “I want to do Medicine, I do it. It was clear to me since I was quite little,” she explains. Her friends and family have congratulated her on these results, the end of the “long-distance race” that these past years entailed. In these months of rest, Inmaculada is already organizing the plans What she will do to celebrate her grade, “I’m going on a trip with my friends.”

The student Javier Córdoba.

Javier Córdoba, has a 13,895 and will do History and Classical Philology

“When I saw the grades I had to do the average two or three times because I didn’t believe it, I came out very happy but I didn’t expect this grade at all,” says Javier Córdoba, from the Zoco Institute, who got a 13.895 and wants study a double degree in History and Classical Philology in Madrid at the Complutense, an option that he discovered at the last moment “I was clear that I was going to study here in Córdoba History of art, But this year I took Latin and Greek and I fell in love, so I couldn’t choose, I started to see if there was a double degree of that and the only one is in Madrid,” he says enthusiastically. The years in high school have been hard, until Javier has gotten into the routine of working on a day-to-day basis, “if you don’t do it like that it will cost you a lot, but that stress that comes from the second year of high school helps you cope with the Selectivity ”.

Now, after the congratulations from his family and friends, “they are more excited than me,” jokes the young man, this summer will be to enjoy it to the fullest, “everything what I couldn’t neither at crossroads nor at fairs. Next week I have a flight to Mallorca and I’ll spend a week there,” says the enthusiastic young man.

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