Agreement for innovation and training in the wood sector in Córdoba – Córdoba

Agreement for innovation and training in the wood sector in Córdoba – Córdoba
Agreement for innovation and training in the wood sector in Córdoba – Córdoba

The delegate of Employment, Business and Self-Employment of the Junta de Andalucía in Córdoba, María Dolores Gálvez, as provincial director of the Andalusian Employment Service (SAE), an entity to which the Wood School belongs, and the president of the Union Wood and Furniture Business of Spain, Unemadera, Pedro Payeras, have signed this Thursday a collaboration agreement by which the two parties undertake to work together for innovation and permanent updating of the sectoral vocational training system.

The objective of this agreement, as explained, is to enhance the employability of working people, employed or unemployed, and the competitiveness of the wood and furniture business sector. Also present at the signing were the president of the Association of Wood and Furniture Entrepreneurs of Córdoba, Uniema, Enrique Fernández, and the acting director of this training center, Araceli Cabello.

The objective of this agreement is to enhance the employability of working, employed or unemployed people.

The territorial person responsible for Employment has described this act as an “important date”, which serves to increase “the already fruitful relationship of the Escuela de la Madera with the business sector, to extrapolate it to the national level through the signing of the collaboration agreement that We have just made an agreement that ratifies the good harmony that this reference center national production, carpentry and furniture already had with companies throughout the peninsula“.

Gálvez and Payeras shake hands after signing the agreement

Furthermore, Gálvez thanked the president of Unemadera for coming to Córdoba to sign this agreement, “because it represents recognition of the work carried out by this School in its 30 years of history“. The delegate has insisted that what was agreed this Thursday has a positive impact on both organizations, since it will mean “promoting industrial and educational development, it will also create synergies that will translate into mutual benefits, will serve to improve the system of Vocational Training, and will contribute to the defense and promotion of common interests.” This agreement will not only promote the professional development of workers, according to the delegate, “but will also will contribute to the progress and competitiveness of companiesthus ensuring a prosperous and sustainable future for the entire industry.”

The Madera School, as a National Reference Center with its contribution of innovation, research and quality training, now becomes an invaluable strategic partner for Unemadera, promoting growth and excellence in the sector. In fact, as he has pointed out, “the role of entities like Unemadera, hand in hand with institutions, is essential in the development of a strategy in favor of business growth and consolidationand for this it must occur within the framework of close collaboration and participation that translates into the commitment we sign today.”

Unemadera brings together 26,000 wood and furniture companies that account for 150,000 jobs

For its part, Payeras has shown that Unemadera brings together 26,000 wood and furniture companies that account for 150,000 jobs and that its main concern is to respond to the needs of the sector, “that is why this public-private agreement will be able to offer solutions through common work and creating synergies, especially in the field of training because there is a lack of qualified people and it is necessary to do this sector attractive to young people. I am sure that this. agreement will be a before and a later in the wood sector”.

The president of the national wood employers’ association has emphasized the need to be able to attract talent to companies and be able to retain them, “there is a lack of knowledge about the sector, to know what wood and furniture companies are like.” , increasingly more technical, with machinery latest generation and with needs of many technical profiles, that is why agreements like today’s are important where we join forces to work on what society demands.

“Through the training and actions developed with the Wood School – he specified – we want above all to open the doors of our companies to the youngest offering them facilities and job opportunitiessince today what is demanded is not only a good job offer, but added value must be offered”.

Enrique Fernández, president of the Association of Wood and Furniture Businessmen of Córdoba, has also shared his enthusiasm for the agreement: “This agreement represents a unique opportunity for our local companies. It will allow us to access high-quality training and improve our competitive capabilities in an increasingly demanding market. The collaboration between the Wood School and Unemadera will be essential to attract young and qualified talent to the sector, thus guaranteeing a promising future for the industry in Córdoba and beyond.”

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