They relaunch the Nueva Oportunidad program : : Mirador Provincial : : Santa Fe News

They relaunch the Nueva Oportunidad program : : Mirador Provincial : : Santa Fe News
They relaunch the Nueva Oportunidad program : : Mirador Provincial : : Santa Fe News

The provincial government presented in the city of Santa Fe the “New Opportunity, building community” program, which aims at the social inclusion of young people between 12 and 35 years old in situations of social vulnerability. It was this Wednesday at the Molino Fábrica Cultural.

The Government of Santa Fe, through the Ministry of Equality and Human Development, aims with this policy to provide tools to young people, who live in hostile contexts and with precarious material living conditions, so that they can integrate into society and fully develop. Your rights.

The Minister of Equality and Human Development, María Victoria Tejeda, before the presentation, highlighted that “we are very happy to relaunch Nueva Oportunidad; “We already did it in Rosario, today we are doing it in the city of Santa Fe.” And she added: “We are going to be signing agreements with the municipality and with many institutions and organizations that join the program.”

Regarding the application of the program, Tejeda detailed: “It is aimed at young people between 12 and 35 years old, who we accompany with a scholarship of $30 thousand per month. From 12 to 15 years old, we provide the kit to use in that training,” he explained. “Ultimately, all this is about a call. It is a listening space that is held with the workshop leaders, who will accompany each of these young people who are part of Nueva Oportunidad on the pedagogical journey,” he stated.

For his part, the Secretary of Inclusion Policies and Social Approaches, Ramón Soques, highlighted: “New Opportunity is back, which is a registered trademark in public policy that should never have been abandoned. It is the search to generate a link with those young people from the most vulnerable sectors with high criticality, so that the State can give them and accompany them in a process so that they can find a future for themselves.”

Finally, the mayor of the city of Santa Fe, Juan Pablo Poletti, indicated that “we are here accompanying and thanking this initiative of the provincial government, and echoing it from the Secretariat of Social Policies and the Executive. Of course we support this new launch so that many young people in the city of Santa Fe have this, which as the name says, is a new opportunity or the first opportunity to be able to train, to be able to start having a more dignified life, equality of rights”.

Within the framework of the progress towards the implementation of the program, last week, in Rosario, 250 people were trained who will serve as companions for the young people; initiative that will soon be replicated in different places in the province. The proposal was organized by the Secretariat of Inclusion Policies and Social Approaches, together with the Faculty of Political Sciences and International Relations of the National University of Rosario.

The Minister of Justice and Security, Pablo Cococcioni, participated in the launch this Tuesday; the Secretary of Human Rights, Emilio Jatón; the Secretary of Territorial Development, Sergio Basile; the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Clara García; and the president of the Municipal Council, Adriana Molina, among others.

The program

“New Opportunity, building community” is a social inclusion program executed by the Ministry of Equality and Human Development. It is intended for young people, between 12 and 35 years old, in situations of social criticality, who find themselves in violent and hostile contexts and precarious material living conditions, which prevent the full development of their rights.

Its specific objectives include generating and strengthening links between young people, their neighborhood and their locality in order to strengthen integration networks with the community; promote the protagonism of young people, accompanying group spaces for training, exchange and discussion that constitute areas of reference; and promote the addressing of unique situations by strengthening and accompanying the interventions of the territorial teams, with the necessary technical support for their implementation.

Likewise, the execution of the program is supported by three fundamental axes: the economic incentive, the pedagogical routes and the re-work spaces or “Third Time”. In this sense, agreements will be concluded with civil organizations for festivals, workshops, training courses (linked to a profession), community tables, pedagogical courses, delivery of scholarships for girls and boys from 16 to 35 years old and materials for the age group between 12 and 15 years old.

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