Works were suspended at IPS in Soledad, Atlántico due to lack of license

Works were suspended at IPS in Soledad, Atlántico due to lack of license
Works were suspended at IPS in Soledad, Atlántico due to lack of license


Temporarily The suspension of the works of an IPS in the municipality of Soledad was ordered in the department of Atlántico.

Through the Government Secretariat, the Health Secretariat and the Soledad – Edumas Urban Development and Environment Establishment, the local administration executed the measure on the construction, located between the La María and Carnero neighborhoods.

The suspension was issued after a visit by authorities in which It was evident that the work did not present the respective construction licenseapproved plans and other legal documents.

“Given non-compliance, the immediate reaction inspector assigned to the Mayor’s Office determined the preventive suspension until the presentation of the requested documentation before a hearing,” the administration stated.

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Although the owner already had been warned about non-compliance with the requirements required by lawdid not clean up the missing permissions.

“It is important to know in advance the urban planning and construction regulations to carry out works, and in this way, avoid suspensions or sanctions by the inspectors,” they expressed.

Finally, they warned that the filing of the project with the Curator’s Office “is not the guarantee to proceed” and that the approval process must be completed in advance before the corresponding offices.


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