Public health: Santa Fe settles with Córdoba and Entre Ríos before the withdrawal of the Nation

Public health: Santa Fe settles with Córdoba and Entre Ríos before the withdrawal of the Nation
Public health: Santa Fe settles with Córdoba and Entre Ríos before the withdrawal of the Nation

Santa Fe, Córdoba and Entre Ríos decided to join together in the management of public health, given the interruption of the national government regarding its shipments of medicines for complex diseases. “We suffered from lack of definition that forced us to go out and buy supplies that the Nation stopped sending. The users of the public health system cannot wait,” said the Santa Fe minister of the area, Silvia Ciancio, this Thursday at the Rosario headquarters of the Interior, at the first meeting of Health Ministers of the Central Region.

With Ciancio were his peers from Córdoba, Ricardo Pieckenstainer; and from Entre Ríos, Guillermo Grieve, who summarized everything in one sentence: “We have difficulties buying medicines for rare diseases. We have to resolve how we are going to face the second semester because we must fill the gap that the Nation leaves us.”

With this panorama, the health portfolios of the three provinces today began a working table from which they will join the claim to the Nation for the delayed shipments of antibiotics and oncological drugs. But in addition, they decided to move forward with their own joint efforts, such as the union of the three administrations when it came to searching for and bidding on prices for hospital supplies, for example.

“We try to strengthen the network, improve dialogue and establish agreements between the provinces, because with the Nation we need more precise definitions and the users of the health system cannot wait,” said Ciancio.

Management Minister Pullaro revealed that the seasonal situation keeps the system under tension these days, with high occupancy of hospital beds – “Between 80 and 90 percent,” she estimated – due to the circulation of winter viruses.

But also, the inconveniences generated by the withdrawal of the national government. “There were problems with high-cost oncological medications in the province of Santa Fe. We went out to buy, we were able to unblock something but we cannot continue like this without definitions from the Nation. The system is under tension,” said Minister Ciancio.


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