Maximiliano Pullaro presented the “Crecer-Capacita” program

Maximiliano Pullaro presented the “Crecer-Capacita” program
Maximiliano Pullaro presented the “Crecer-Capacita” program

Maximiliano Pullaro presented the “Crecer-Capacita” program

This Thursday the launch of “Crecer-Capacita”, School of Municipalities and Communes, was held, a program that aims to improve the institutional quality and management of local governments. Governor Maximiliano Pullaro led the activity at the Teatro Luz y Strength of the provincial capital, where he explained that “this program is really very important because what it aims to achieve is levels of training, training, that allow us to execute public policies and be efficient in the management of public resources in an Argentina that has many financial problems; in a province that has economic problems; and in localities, municipalities and communes that are not having a good time,” he stressed.

The governor indicated that “there is a citizenry that demands us because they are having a bad time, because they have many difficulties. “This forces public servants to have better and higher levels of efficiency in the management of public resources.”

Pullaro added that “we are launching a training program, a School of Government that allows us to deploy tools so that municipalities and communes can carry out a more efficient administration in difficult times in Argentina, because there is no longer space to manage how it was managed. long ago. We have to have the capacity to develop plans, programs, indicators, to measure each of the public policies and their impacts.”

“Since we took over our management, we have carried out different programs in each of the areas of the State, demonstrating that it can be efficient and spend fewer resources. That is the challenge that today’s Argentina imposes on us,” the provincial leader concluded.

Santa Fe, a leader in the region

The Minister of Government and Public Innovation, Fabián Bastia, pointed out that “by interacting, training ourselves, we are going to achieve what we want, what we are putting in place, what our governor put in place from the first day of his administration. And Santa Fe is a leader in the Central Region and is a beacon for that national perspective. “We are convinced that Santa Fe will be the locomotive of change in our country.”

Present were the president of the Chamber of Deputies of the province, Clara García; Senator Felipe Michlig; the Secretary of Government, Municipalities and Communes, Hora Ciancio; the provincial deputy, Dionisio Scarpín; the mayor of Santa Fe, Juan Pablo Poletti; the secretaries of Public Management, Natalia Galano; of Metropolitan Areas and Electoral Affairs, Ramiro Dallaglio; and International Relations, Claudio Díaz; mayors; communal presidents; university authorities; among others.

Lines of work

Among the goals set with “Crecer-Capacita” the aim is also to develop management capacities for the new urban agenda; form a local agenda in tune with provincial strategic projects; promote networks for innovation, transparency and efficiency in public management; and train public service personnel to achieve an effective State.

The program is aimed at authorities, officials, political and career personnel from the 366 municipalities and communes of Santa Fe; and has two lines of work: Training and training cycles; meetings in various formats (courses, workshops, etc.) to provide knowledge and tools on management challenges; and a Santafesina Local Innovation Network, a collaborative space to promote innovation and good practices in public management.

The proposal offers in-person, virtual and semi-in-person formats; and a virtual classroom for training and dissemination of management advances, accessible through the provincial website.

This Thursday, the first training course for local authorities was launched under the title “Leaders for local democracy”, which will begin on June 25 in the city of Santa Fe and two days later in Rosario.

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