Controversial ordinance: Neighbors denounce that there was no “citizen participation”, that it is “unconstitutional” and that it “aggravates” existing problems – WRITTEN – Córdoba

Residents of different neighborhoods of Córdoba Capital protested this Thursday in front of the Deliberative Council while the draft ordinance that establishes new rules for real estate development in the neighborhoods of Villa Belgrano and part of Argüello, and on the northern coast of the Suquía River, was being discussed. in the northwest of Córdoba Capital. They also stated in a document that “the approval and promulgation of the questioned ordinance will be vitiated by nullity and unconstitutionality, both in its formation and sanction process and in its content lacking sufficient foundations and technical support, for contrary to express rules of public order. .

With a sign that said “The municipality gives Villa Belgrano to the developers,” the neighbors followed the debate that took place inside and could be heard from the street. However, a blind that closed the entrance to the premises prevented us from seeing what was happening inside. Despite this, the protesters were expressing their support or rejection of what emerged from the councilors’ speeches.


During a section of the protest, the neighbors denounced in a document, which they read at the doors of the deliberative body, that the project, “has not been properly subjected to citizen participation in decision-making on environmental issues that imperatively foresee the public order laws 25,675 of national environmental policy, 10,208 of provincial environmental policy and the Escazú Agreement ratified by law 27,566, of supralegal value and, without this mandatory collection, seeks to validate a partial modification of the land use regime in a sector of the city that is outside the Beltway, without a comprehensive urban development plan existing or being promoted, as provided for in article 15 of the Municipal Organic Charter.”

Fourth quarterFourth quarter

They noted at the same time that it has “the clear and sole objective of promoting the demand for construction companies” and pointed out that “the project in crisis is not a need of the neighborhoods it affects, nor does it arise as a response to problems that they already have, such as access, transportation, transit, water, electricity, sewers, noise pollution, environmental pollution, security and others, but on the contrary, aggravating them.”

The document bears the signatures of the neighborhood centers of the Jardín Espinosa and Ampliación neighborhoods, El Refugio, Argüello, Cerro de las Rosas, Parque Chacabuco, Nueva Córdoba, Villa Warcalde and Alto Hermoso, Villa Belgrano, La Carolina, Nuevo Rosedal, Jardín, and Valley of the Hill; the associations Red Ciudadana Nuestra Córdoba, Association Friends of the San Martín Urban Natural Reserve, Preserving the Park of Life, Civil Association Alianza Clima, Vida y Salud Argentina; and the groups of Self-Convened Neighbors from the Villa Belgrano, Villa Cabrera, Los Ángeles, Alejandro Centeno, and Defendamos Alberdi neighborhoods.



He continues by saying that “the situation is extremely serious and worrying, since it compromises not only the residents of Villa Belgrano, Argüello and Villa Warcalde, as well as the General San Martín Urban Natural Reserve – the most important environmental heritage of the city, “which provides essential environmental services in times of climate change – but also puts the Suquía River, which belongs to the entire city, at serious risk of contamination and overflows.”


It specifies that this happens “by enabling densification through collective and grouped housing in residential areas and close to the banks of the Suquía River and thereby causing greater waterproofing of the soil, possible transfers of sewage liquids and sewage to its channel and with serious compromise of the sector’s trees and the biodiversity that supports it and that of the protected ecosystem that is the San Martín Reserve, with serious damage to the health of the living environment of the residents and citizens of Córdoba as well as the neighborhood identity as a collective value, all essential elements for the full exercise of the human right to a healthy environment (art. 41 CN, art. 11 Protocol of San Salvador of the American Convention on Human Rights, Advisory Opinion 23/2017 Inter-American Court, Resolution 76/300/2022 general assembly from the ONU)”.


He adds that “the project (…) also puts into crisis objectives 6 (drinking water and sanitation), 11 (sustainable cities and communities) and 13 (climate action) of the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda, approved by the UN in 2015 by General Assembly Resolution 70/1.”

Later, he states that “the residents of the city of Córdoba are the protagonists and architects of the daily life and common destiny of the City, meaning and reason for being of the Municipality (art. 9 of the Municipal Organic Charter), the Centers Neighbors (as established in Ord. 10713/04 – art. 1), we were never (…) received by the Mayor despite repeated requests” and expresses that “citizen participation (…) is imperative, among other reasons, because citizens are the holders of the rights of collective impact on the environment and its components.”

Finally, it states that “the draft ordinance that is objected to, by enabling land uses to the detriment of those rights of collective incidence and affecting the functioning and sustainability of neighborhood ecosystems, water, cultural heritage values ​​and the landscape formed “After decades, among others, it contradicts the provisions of articles 14 and 240 of the Civil and Commercial Code of the Nation.”

A resident of Villa Belgrano during the neighborhood protest held this Thursday in front of the Deliberative Council.

Columnists 2024Columnists 2024


SEE Controversial ordinance: They give free rein to real estate, commercial and service development in Villa Belgrano and Argüello and in front of the San Martín Reserve.

SEE The residents of Villa Belgrano will appeal the non-admission of the environmental protection and say that the “ruling is regressive and anachronistic.”

SEE Controversial ruling: The Justice of Córdoba did not admit the environmental protection presented by the residents of Villa Belgrano.

SEE Córdoba: A pro-development ordinance project advances for Villa Belgrano and part of Argüello.

SEE Córdoba: “The draft ordinance will help destroy Villa Belgrano, Argüello and other neighborhoods in the Northwest area.”

SEE Villa Belgrano and Argüello: Villata denounced that the draft ordinance allows commercial and service activities on the coast of the Suquía River.





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