After the closures of the Justice Access Centers, in Salta there will be 1 – Nuevo Diario de Salta | The little diary

After the closures of the Justice Access Centers, in Salta there will be 1 – Nuevo Diario de Salta | The little diary
After the closures of the Justice Access Centers, in Salta there will be 1 – Nuevo Diario de Salta | The little diary

Guillermina Grecco, coordinator of the Access to Justice Program of ACIJ (Civil Association for Equal Access to Justice), referred in an interview with Nuevo Diario to the closures of 81 Justice Centers. Three of which are in our Province.

The Ministry of Justice, headed by Mariano Cúneo Libaronaannounced that they were inefficiently providing services typical of the Judiciary and other agencies.

The Government’s measure was rejected by the representatives of state workers.

On this issue, Grecco pointed out: “in principle this resolution clarifies that there will be one CAJ per province, that is, in the case of Salta there will be only one CAJ with a physical office. “It would be located in the Capital city, thus reinforcing virtual care.” These centers offer initial attention advising on administrative and legal issues.

An Access to Justice Center should have a lawyer, a psychologist, a social worker and an administrator. “This would allow them to provide advice on how to obtain a DNI, so that they know that it is part of their right; Considering that from there you can identify other problems that arise from not having that document, someone who has a family problem may have legal or psychological assistance, etc. These are centers that can focus on all people and not just on a specific case, especially in remote territories. They are a gateway to rights,” she highlighted.

Today 105 operate, with the closure of 81 there would be 24 left.

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