“They handed over the country”: the passing of bills to the PJ senators who voted in favor of the law Bases | Crosses in UxP after the session

“They handed over the country”: the passing of bills to the PJ senators who voted in favor of the law Bases | Crosses in UxP after the session
“They handed over the country”: the passing of bills to the PJ senators who voted in favor of the law Bases | Crosses in UxP after the session

After the approval in the Senate of the Omnibus Law, Peronism began to air its rags in the sun. The positive vote for Milei’s flagship project in general or in some of its articles in particular left a group of five legislators of different expressions of the PJ exposed, whose names appeared, unmistakable, marked in green on the electronic board of the Chamber premises. low. Carlos Mauricio “Camau” Espínola from Corrientes already had the worst part: local Peronism was considering expelling him from the party since Wednesday afternoon, when his eventual political conversion could be smelled. Another who was left in the eye of the storm was the man from Entre Ríos Edgardo Kueider, who at the moment of truth also pressed the button that guaranteed victory to the Government. Both were the subject of the internal billing given to them by several leaders of Unión por la Patria, including none other than Cristina Kirchner.

The former president expressed herself through Twitter, where she shared a post that showed the electoral ballots for the Senate headed by Camau (in 2021) and Kueider (in 2019), with the faces of both and the seal of the Frente de Todos; but also with that of two leaders who had been second on the respective lists: Stefania Cora (current provincial representative for Entre Ríos) and Ana Almiron (congressman of the PJ from Corrientes). The message ended with a definition of high voltage: “If it had been the other way around, the senators would be comrades Cora and Almirón, and we would not be begging for them not to vote for the delivery of the country.”

“It was, is and will be with militant women,” the mayor of Quilmes, Mayra Mendoza, who shared the same post as CFK, later got into the ring to continue the task. Lucia Cámpora, leader of the JP, did the same. “It is not for history, it is for the future to know who sold the country today. Because we are going to fight against the effects of this law many times in the future. And we will know who surrendered and who opposed and were loyal to the country,” she criticized.

Along with the thick ammunition, Kirchnerism also came out to blame Alberto Fernandez due to that final order of the lists in both provinces, which led to Camau and Kueider occupying a seat instead of Cora and Almirón. The former president defended himself from his official press account, which stated that “The former president had no interference in the candidacies of the senators from Entre Ríos and Corrientes who yesterday voted in favor of the sanction of the law sent by the libertarian government.”

When it came to self-defense, Kueider was not far behind. “I am a Peronist, but before that, I am from Entre Ríos and I want the best for the province that I represent. That is why I supported the National Government Law – in general – with modifications and exclusions in all its chapters, which we achieved through dialogue,” was his defense.

The Entre Ríos senator recalled that despite voting affirmatively for the Bases Law in general, he also did so against the RIGI, personal profits and assets. In this way, he said, he avoided “the closure of science, technology and culture organizations, the privatization of Aerolíneas Argentinas and public media,” in addition to achieving the elimination of the pension chapter, which put an end to the moratorium. . “We modified many other articles that I considered harmful,” he justified.

“We have to get out of the scheme of black or white, friend or enemy. If it’s for me, the sooner Milei leaves, the better,” he later told the LetraP site. “But it doesn’t have to be because we hinder the government”he reflected.

Camau, from Corrientes, for his part, 24 hours after the session, remained silent, the same position he took during the debate in the room, in which he chose not to participate. Espínola was in charge of the negotiations of a sector of the PJ with the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos, and with the vice president Victoria Villarruel, with whom he held several meetings during the last weeks that led first to his signature in dissent from the opinion of the ruling party and then your positive vote in general.

The local PJ advances steadily to expel him from the game. “He gets on a plane and goes to Buenos Aires, it seems like there is another life there, and he comes back and locks himself in his private country”Ana Almirón herself snapped at him, with thick ammunition, in dialogue with the AM750. Then he said that he feels “embarrassed” to have accompanied him on the ballot and that he was going to ask for his disaffiliation.

The three who voted for the RIGI

The one who came out to play hard was the former Secretary of Human Rights of the Nation, Horacio Pietragalla. Through a Twitter thread, he targeted Catamarca senator Guillermo Eduardo Andrada, Sandra Mendoza from Tucumán and Carolina Moisés from Salta, who, although they voted against the project in general, did so in favor of the RIGI, which arrived at the venue with a few last-minute modifications introduced by the ruling party.

“Since in my country there are many people who put the greatest heritage that a human being has, their own life, at the disposal of a better society, it is important that we know who are the senators who came in the name of Peronism and They were sold for 4 pesos and 50. Let them explain to us what they gave up the future of the country in exchange for,” Peitragalla denounced via Twitter.


Regarding Moisés, Pietragalla said that “he boasted of not supporting the Bases law, but voted in favor of the RIGI, which conditions us for 30 years to be a quasi-colonial homeland.”

Moses answered him. “I represent the people of Jujuy who want stable work, those who want to stop being planners, those who are waiting for us to listen to them to give them the tools they need to have a decent life,” he told him.

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