Vertientes, along the Agramonte path

Vertientes, along the Agramonte path
Vertientes, along the Agramonte path

VERTIENTES, CAMAGÜEY.- Three developing areas of this municipality received today, from the hands of José Ramón Monteagudo Ruiz, member of the secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and the highest political and government authorities of the province, the distinction Along the path of Agramontea recognition of the work and fulfillment of productive commitments.

In Santa Rosa, the brothers Jesús and Leonardo Lezcano Capote managed to complete the 5 caballerías of banana and cassava that were planned for the date, with intercropping and organic treatment.

Meanwhile, at the Ignacio Agramonte center, they are ready to plant the 130 hectares that will allow them to reach 268 of these prioritized foods given their resistance and nobility as they do not require the use of technological packages in high demand.

William Gutiérrez Cardoso, director of the UEB of mechanization of the Ruta Invasora Agroindustrial Grain Company and responsible for the area, pointed out that the workforce has been manual and stressed their commitment to fulfilling the task since on this date they have already passed 50 % of the year’s plan and creatively face the lack of lubricants and other inputs, “we are at the foot of the crops, all the time.” So far they have planted cassava, sweet potato, pumpkin and banana, and intercrop cowpea beans.

Three years ago, brothers Alain and Alexander Gil González dedicated themselves to livestock farming and then started the local development project Los Cerditos. This January they decided to change course and left breeding for planting; Thus began the effort to reach 5 caballerias of bananas, which today aims to reach 8 by next August.

The delegation exchanged with each of these producers, while Monteagudo Ruiz recognized the motivation and dedication with which they worked on this priority task of food production with the least dependence on imported inputs.

“We must maintain adequate care of crops, despite the limitations of technological packages we may have. To achieve greater variety and exceed yields, we must take care of the preparation of the soil, the cleanliness of the crops, the quality of the seed, the intercropping, the efficient use of water and take advantage of the spring,” said the leader.

The visitors recognized the support of the organizations and the municipality’s agricultural system and the fulfillment of the commitment to fill empty lands efficiently, which demonstrates the priority given to food production in the province. They also urged us to generalize experiences because with will and land there are many producers in the territory.

Federico Hernández Hernández, first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba in Camagüey, highlighted the decisive role of Vertientes in food production as well as its potential.

To the municipality of Emerald The delegation arrived to verify the progress in the recovery of the San Juan de Dios productive center with 1,200 hectares under irrigation.

Dedicated to various crops and exploited by a UEB belonging to Ruta Invasora and the CCS Macario Guevara, they currently have guava, banana, cassava, pumpkin, corn and melon planted.

The projection, according to Juan Hernández López, director of the municipal agroindustrial company, is that 80% of the area will be planted with cassava and banana.

José Ramón Monteagudo insisted on optimal use of the land and control of the work schedule so that the land produces under an adequate exploitation regime. The political leader emphasized the responsibility in caring for the producers and the productive bases and the need to increase the quantity and quality of the plantations taking into account the soils and potential of the place.

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