THE PSOE criticizes that the Government of La Rioja “ignores the Contract Law to contract services in La Rioja 360”

THE PSOE criticizes that the Government of La Rioja “ignores the Contract Law to contract services in La Rioja 360”
THE PSOE criticizes that the Government of La Rioja “ignores the Contract Law to contract services in La Rioja 360”


Deputy Miguel González de Legarra has criticized “a new irregularity committed by the Government of the Popular Party, an irregularity committed consciously, deliberately and repeatedly since September of last year.” González de Legarra has detailed how since that date “the Executive has been contracting the management and implementation of tourism projects with a false self-employed person and is breaking up the contracts with the sole objective of circumventing the Contract Law.”

The socialist deputy has assured that “it seems even more intolerable to us that this hiring was made with a person who worked under the orders of the current general director of Tourism, Virginia Borges, in the private company that she managed until her appointment as senior official of the Popular Party Government”. González de Legarra explained that this person “worked in Digital Marketing, a company owned by Virginia Borges.”

Since September, La Rioja 360 “has hired someone who, until just two months before, worked under Borges in his private company, a contract that continues month after month until the current moment.” Miguel González de Legarra has related how in 2023 “this person issued 5 invoices to La Rioja 360, each of them for an amount of 2,525 euros plus VAT.” That is, during the year 2023 “it invoiced a total of 12,625 euros, to which VAT must be added, which exceeds 15,000 euros.”

The socialist deputy has asserted that in 2024 “this person continues to bill, so everything indicates that we are dealing with a self-employed worker whose only client is the Government of La Rioja, specifically, La Rioja 360.”

González de Legarra has assured that “everything indicates that we are facing a case of contract splitting, to which we must add a clear case of false self-employment.” The Socialist deputy has reported that “we speak of false self-employment because it is a single service, because, despite its amount, it jumps from one year to the next and no bidding has been carried out as established by the Law and, thirdly, because the accumulated far exceeds 15,000 euros plus VAT, which is the maximum authorized by the Regulations”.

The socialist deputy has said that “we are not dealing with a minor contract that can be awarded directly.” In any case, “we are faced with a covert hiring with which, in addition, a friend of Virginia Borges is being financially benefited, who, by the way, runs La Rioja 360 with an iron fist, which has caused a climate of work stress.” in the majority of employees.

Finally, González de Legarra has assured that “this year since Virginia Borges assumed the general direction of Tourism has been characterized by an absolute absence of management.”

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