Takeover of the Uagrm intensifies: They file a criminal complaint against Dean Velarde

Takeover of the Uagrm intensifies: They file a criminal complaint against Dean Velarde
Takeover of the Uagrm intensifies: They file a criminal complaint against Dean Velarde

The Gabriel René Moreno Autonomous University (Uagrm) lives its fifth day of taking over facilities this Friday. The students and workers demand clarification of an audio in which the dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Alejandro Velarde, is supposedly heard negotiating the sale of jobs at the Santa Cruz state university.

The protests, which began on Monday, June 10 in the university modules and extended to the central campus on Wednesday, have prevented the development of in-person classes. However, the university authorities They have enabled the virtual mode so that students do not lose the semester.

Processes underway

The takeover of the Uagrm intensified on Thursday, when the body known as the University Ombudsman filed a complaint with the Prosecutor’s Office against the dean of Humanities. The complaint, headed by Walter Álvarez, accuses Velarde of the concussion and sexual harassment crimesbased on the audio that circulates on social networks.

For its part, Velarde has denied the accusations against him and has assured that the audio has been manipulated with artificial intelligence.

In the midst of the crisis, the University Justice Court (TJU) of the Uagrm reported that it admitted the complaint filed by the Rectorate against Dean Velarde. The TJU is evaluating the evidence and will issue a ruling in the coming days on the dean’s future.

Why are they protesting at the Uagrm?

The protests against Velarde began last week, after the spread of audios in which the dean is supposedly heard negotiating contracts and making discriminatory comments against students.

Students and workers of the Uagrm They demand the dismissal of Dean Velarde and a thorough investigation into the allegations against him. They also ask that measures be taken to prevent future cases of corruption and discrimination at the university.

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“The solution is for the president to receive us”, the position of heavy transport in the face of the indefinite strike

The mobilizations will begin on Monday, June 17, with road blockades and border closures.


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