Chilean Navy, Acrux Foundation and Health Service carry out medical operations in communes affected by the fire

Chilean Navy, Acrux Foundation and Health Service carry out medical operations in communes affected by the fire
Chilean Navy, Acrux Foundation and Health Service carry out medical operations in communes affected by the fire

Three medical operations are being carried out simultaneously during the day this Friday, June 14 and Saturday, June 15; which will make it possible to resolve the specialty waiting lists of users of the healthcare network of the communes of Viña del Mar and Quilpué; in addition to caring for the families affected by the fire.

The operations are being carried out thanks to the support of the Acrux Foundation, the Dr. Gustavo Fricke Hospitals and the Quilpué Hospital, the Viña del Mar Quillota Petorca Health Service and the municipalities of Viña del Mar and Quilpué and the Chilean Navy.

During the afternoon of this Friday, the operations were launched in the El Olivar sector, where a field hospital was installed with the following services by the ACRUX Foundation and the Chilean Navy: Traumatology, Internal Medicine, Imaging ( Rx) and breast ultrasound scans; Family Medicine; mention in children, Geriatrics and Geriatric Kinesiology (Comprehensive evaluation), General medicine; Spontaneous demand is also being met, a vaccination point, in addition to mobile devices for Ophthalmology, Mammography, Mobile Dental and Gynecological Clinic. The projection of scheduled care is 264 services, to which will be added the spontaneous care of those who need it.

On the occasion, field visits were made by the authorities of each of the institutions, led by the Commander in Chief of the First Naval Zone, Rear Admiral Roberto Zegers; the Operations Manager of Fundación Acrux, Germán Toledo; the Director of the Viña del Mar Quillota Petorca Health Service, Andrea Quiero, and the Health Director of Viña del Mar, Rodrigo Valenzuela, who toured the facilities and highlighted this great effort and intersectoral alliance that will allow the waiting lists for specialties to be progressively resolved. medical and exams.

In this regard, Rear Admiral Zegers pointed out that, “What we thought a few months ago became a reality, with our victims of the fire, to be able to take a group of medical specialists to the field, through the Acrux Foundation, to bring a small grain here. of sand, a support to our community. That is why the Navy served mainly as a coordinator and also made medical and nursing personnel available to be able to have this day, a day of support for our people.”

For his part, Germán Toledo explained the characteristics of the operation: “we are working on three simultaneous operations, at the Dr. Gustavo Fricke Hospital, at the Quilpué Hospital and here at this Field Hospital where there are also countless other facilities. And support. The Navy brought general doctors who complement our doctors. The Health Service and the Municipality set up a mobile UAPO, we, an X-ray system, there is a system or a truck where mammograms are being taken, with a technologist. In addition to mammograms, breast ultrasounds are performed, which are very necessary to determine the cancer, and if necessary, puncture and biopsy are performed. That is, bringing decisive medicine to areas where it is really needed and in this case, for the emergency.”

Likewise, Andrea Quiero highlighted, “We are making available our talents, our resources, but fundamentally our will, in this case, the Viña del Mar Quillota Petorca Health Service, which is convened by the Chilean Navy, and by the Acrux Foundation, also channeling the permanent requirements of our Municipality of Viña del Mar. Putting what we know how to do with enthusiasm, transmitting a little hope, doing what we know how to do best, which is providing health benefits to those people, families and communities that require these efforts to be able to stay healthy and live community life.”

Resident Patricia Gonzalez said about these operations for her neighbors: “Unfortunately, I lost my home, my house. My husband also left me. And at this minute I give a thousand thanks to all of you, especially to them, who are present here. I know that there are many people who need it, but we also need more. And this is where we have to be here, on the ground. On the ground we have to be seeing each other. “With each other and helping each other.”

On the other hand, at the Dr. Gustavo Fricke Hospital in Viña del Mar, specialist care, procedures and the respective examinations are carried out. Specialist care corresponds to: Gynecology, Adult Bronchopulmonary, Neurology, Otorhinolaryngology and Ophthalmology along with breast and soft tissue ultrasound examinations. More than 212 benefits are projected for patients on waiting lists for long-term and obstetric specialty consultations, and those affected by the Viña del Mar fires.

Meanwhile, at the Quilpué Hospital, waiting list resolution operations are also being carried out during both days in the Attached Specialty Clinic, with Gynecology, Internal Medicine and Cardiology care, projecting more than 144 services.

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