The Interministerial Table of Social Policies was established in Córdoba

The ministers who are responsible for the execution of social policies in Córdoba, Entre Ríos and Santa Fe held a work day in Córdoba. The officials of the three provinces signed a document in which they report on the difficulties that the country is going through and ratify the need to deepen joint work.

During the meeting, it was resolved to establish the Interministerial Table of Social Policies of the Central Region and formulate diagnoses, strategies and lines of action on the issues that demand immediate responses: Children, Youth, Gender and Diversity, Seniors and Food Security.

The Interministerial Table will meet again on July 26 in Paraná, the capital of Entre Rios, site of the next meeting.

Center Region. The next meeting of the ministers of the social areas of the three provinces will be in Paraná, Entre Ríos.

The document mentions the rates of poverty and indigence that the country suffers and emphasizes that “the worsening of the problems related to the crisis disproportionately affects the most vulnerable groups in society, especially children, adolescents and the elderly. ”.

Faced with such a panorama, the ministers ratify the conviction that “the solutions to the current socioeconomic crisis are comprehensive social policies, in the broad sense, as government action guided by values ​​that demand democracy, the full validity of the rule of law, equal opportunities, social inclusion and gender equity.”

In the substantial part of the document approved in Córdoba, those responsible for the social policy area of ​​the Central Region highlight “our conviction that personal development and progress come hand in hand with decent work.”

They point out that “for this it is essential to strengthen both the links with the productive private sector, creator of quality jobs; such as facilitating people’s access to the world of work, giving them access to training that is in line with the new demands of the market and promoting job placement opportunities.”

Points in common

Laura Jure, Minister of Social Development and Employment Promotion of Córdoba, said that with her colleagues from Entre Ríos and Santa Fe “we are finding common ground and sharing experiences.”

He also expressed his confidence that “these lines of work will allow us to continue later to harmonize the things we have together and value this work that we are doing with great effort in each of the provinces.”

The Secretary of Social Management of the Ministry of Human Development of Entre Ríos, Pablo Marini, agreed on the value “of an integration day to propose sustainable development.”

Liliana Montero, the Minister of Human Development of the Province of Córdoba, expressed her satisfaction with the meeting held in the province. “It is important because in such a difficult situation that Argentina is going through, strengthening specific lines regarding social policies is a real challenge.”

He also stated that what was done was “to look for common denominators, along the lines that the governors of the three provinces do” and promised to carry out whatever task is necessary “to be able to respond to our citizens.”

Victoria Tejeda, Minister of Equality and Human Development of the Province of Santa Fé, also celebrated the meeting and its results.

“We are happy to find a space for dialogue, for discussion, to then be able to reach a consensus in the Central Region on all social policies and facilitate their implementation.”

The document signed in Córdoba bears the signatures of the ministers Liliana Montero and Laura Jure (Córdoba), Verónica Berisso (Entre Ríos) and Victoria Tejeda (Santa Fe).

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