The Attorney General’s Office investigates Aranda’s expenses for the folklore festivals | ELOLFATO.COM

The Attorney General’s Office investigates Aranda’s expenses for the folklore festivals | ELOLFATO.COM
The Attorney General’s Office investigates Aranda’s expenses for the folklore festivals | ELOLFATO.COM

The Attorney General’s Office opened an investigation to determine if there are cost overruns and irregularities in the investment that the mayor of Ibagué, Johana Aranda, will makefor the realization of the 50th version of the Colombian Folk Festival. (See: The extra-cost festival in Ibagué? Tamales at $21,000 and spirits glasses at $39,000)

The entity finds out possible acts of corruption that would have occurred in the contract signed with León Gráficas for $7,975 millionfor the provision of logistical, operational and technical services for the cultural event that takes place annually in the city.

“The Provincial Prosecutor’s Office of Instruction of Ibagué is investigating whether in the bilateral agreement signed with León Gráficas there was a lack of planning and non-compliance with the terms of the stages of the process, as well as possible cost overruns, which could constitute acts of corruption,” said the entity. control.

What has caught the attention of the Attorney General’s Office are the high costs of certain products such as tamales for $21,000, liquor glasses for $39,270 each unit, among other items. (See: Aranda says that he will verify cost overruns during the holidays with the control entities)

In addition, THE SENSE OF SMELL learned that, for the 50th version of the Festival, Aranda increased the budget by 47%, compared to last yearmade by Andrés Hurtado, which corresponded to $5,427 million.

On the other hand, the control entity also finds out if, arbitrarily, the Municipal Administration modified the process schedule, removing the possibility of compliance with the legal transfer of the evaluation report ordered by law.

Thus, the entity decreed the practice of tests in order to verify the possible occurrence of irregular conduct, and determine if they constitute a disciplinary offense.

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