After the devastating storm in December, 50% more trees will be planted in the city of Buenos Aires than last year

After the devastating storm in December, 50% more trees will be planted in the city of Buenos Aires than last year
After the devastating storm in December, 50% more trees will be planted in the city of Buenos Aires than last year

The Buenos aires city launched andl Urban Tree Plan 2024. After the devastating storm in December, 50 percent more trees will be planted this year than in 2023.

In the last storm we lost around 1,000 trees, many in this Parque Tres de Febrero. And for every tree we lost we are planting three, that is the way to replace an adult tree,” he explained.l Head of Government, Jorge Macriin the midst of a jacaranda plantation operation.

For the 2024 plan, the City planned to plant 18,074 trees. Last year 12,000 were planted. The initial number was 15,035, but was raised to deal with the consequences of strong storms in December.

And he explained: “We are doing it with all the care of the original design of the Park, with the species that are in each of the areas, and recovering not only what fell, but alsoexpanding the number of trees planted and complying with the plan we have every year”.

Next to Jorge Macri were the vice head of Government, Clara Muzzioand the Minister of Public Space and Urban Hygiene, Ignacio Baistrocchi.

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Jorge Macri accompanied the tree planting operation.

Recognized as one of the most traditional varieties of Buenos Aires trees, the jacaranda was incorporated into the green spaces of the City at the initiative of the French landscape designer Carlos Thays at the end of the 19th century, who designed the Tres de Febrero Park.

Jorge Macri pointed out that “The fall of water has increased by 11 percent also depending on global warmingly climatic phenomena with torrential rains in which a large amount of water falls in a very short time have become very frequent. Faced with this problem, having trees, which also retain water, guarantees more absorption capacity and that that water is incorporated into the foliage, into the trunks, which is something that also helps a lot.”

The plantations of Urban Tree Plan throughout the City began in May and will last until October with a peak between August and September.

Buenos Aires has 430,000 trees according to the last census. The most common and present species are the American ash, the plane tree and the linden tree, all of which are exotic; and the jacarandá and the tipa, both from the Argentine flora.


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