NAM and Group of 77 demand exclusion of Cuba from countries that sponsor terrorism

Both blocks also insisted on the need for the United States Government to determine the end of the Economic, Commercial and Financial Block imposed against Havana.

The Joint Coordination Committee of the Non-Aligned Movement and the Group of 77 and China demanded the immediate exclusion of Cuba from the unilateral list of countries that supposedly sponsor terrorism, managed by the United States of America.


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According to the statement issued on Friday, both blocks of nations classified the accusation against Cuba as a terrorist state as “unjust and unfounded.”

These, the organizations affirm, constitute a “pretext to impose additional unilateral coercive measures” against the Cuban Government and in turn strengthens “the economic, commercial and financial blockade” against the Caribbean nation.

“The Joint Coordination Committee also reiterates its firm rejection of the imposition of laws and regulations with extraterritorial impact and all other forms of coercive measures, including unilateral sanctions against developing countries, and reiterates the imperative need to eliminate them immediately” , says the document.

Following this line, both the NAM and the G77 + China asked Washington to determine the end of the embargo implemented against Cuba for more than six decades and which, according to the latest report from the Cuban Foreign Ministry, has caused the loss of 150,410.8 million for the Caribbean nation, a measure that these international blocks perceive as the greatest impediment to its full development.”

Likewise, the statement insists on strict compliance with the 31 resolutions adopted by the United Nations General Assembly, entitled ““Need to end the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba.”

Cuba thanks Barbados for intervention in favor of Havana

Cuba thanked Barbados for the call it made to end the unjustified inclusion of Cuba in the list of States that supposedly sponsor terrorism and the criminal US blockade against our country, due to the serious damage caused to the Cuban people. .

In a statement from the Foreign Ministry, the Government of Barbados indicates that the Republic of Cuba remains on the State Department’s list that it considers sponsors of terrorism.

Barbados reiterates that there was absolutely no justification for Cuba to be included on the List of State Sponsors of Terrorism back in January 2021. There is no such justification today either.

Barbados deplores the fact that the unjust inclusion of Cuba on the State Department’s List of State Sponsors of Terrorism has caused and continues to cause serious damage to Cuba’s economy and tremendous suffering to the Cuban people.

Author: teleSUR – ahf – JCM

Source: Minrex – Cuban Foreign Ministry – NAM – G77 + China

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