Drunken motorists who cause accidents should pay costs – Más Río Negro

Drunken motorists who cause accidents should pay costs – Más Río Negro
Drunken motorists who cause accidents should pay costs – Más Río Negro

In Argentina, road accidents are the leading cause of death for young people and the risk of causing them increases if the driver(s) consume alcohol, drugs or drive without respecting traffic rules.

Road safety is, without a doubt, a fundamental aspect of the well-being of society, so those who drive must do so responsibly, being aware of the consequences that their actions may bring.

Consequently, any action that encourages the disincentive to drive in a state or in ways that are not approved can reduce the number of accidents and their consequences. For this, it is essential to promote road safety education to promote safe and respectful coexistence on public roads, reduce accidents and protect the lives of citizens, contributing to creating a culture where safety on routes and streets is valued and prioritized.

The consumption of alcohol or illegal drugs increases the possibility of road accidents due to these irresponsible drivers. Faced with this, insurance is exempt from covering the damages caused, as established by the Law that regulates them, which causes a significant economic burden for the public health system.

In Argentina, the data are not encouraging given that the rate of victims of road deaths per 100,000 inhabitants places it as the category with the highest number per year above suicide, intentional homicides and negligent homicides.

According to the latest report from the Ministry of National Security, road deaths represented the category with the highest number of victims in the country from 2014 to 2019 with an average rate of 10.26. In the case of Río Negro, the data places us with a rate very similar to the national rate with 10.80 points.

According to statistics from the Civil Association “Let’s Fight for Life”, the total number of deaths in traffic accidents in Argentina during the year 2023 reached the chilling figure of 6,245. This translates into an average of 520 victims per month or 17 per day.

This figure is based – as clarified by this organization – on the projection of the data available up to the present applied to the new period and including deaths in the event or as a consequence of it up to 30 days later, according to the most generalized international criteria.

In 2023, within the province of Río Negro, “Let’s Fight for Life” has registered 120 deaths in road accidents, clarifying that the figures are not official nor are they intended to replace them.

These statistics are essential to be able to have a real dimension of the problem, identify the highest risk segments and analyze joint solutions that allow reducing the significant number of victims from traffic accidents.

In addition to this, a report carried out by the Observatory of Problematic Consumption, in 2021, in a sample taken from 734 drivers, 139 were found to have marked blood alcohol levels and that the increases in road accidents are verified on Saturdays and Saturdays. Sunday.

According to the World Health Organization, 1.35 million lives are lost worldwide due to road accidents and the economic consequences represent between 2 and 7% of the GDP of countries around the world.

Also, establishing legal tools such as the present one allows us to be in agreement with neighboring provinces, such as Neuquén, which has already approved a Law in this same sense.

For these and many other reasons, the implementation of a system is proposed that allows for the reinforcement of public policies regarding prevention and awareness in road safety, as well as support for the work being carried out by civil society organizations.


Author: FRUGONI Fernando




Chapter I


Article 1.- Drivers of motor vehicles who have caused a road accident, due to the consumption of alcohol, narcotics and/or serious irregular conduct, must reimburse the provincial State for the expenses incurred for their medical, healthcare and of affected third parties.

Article 2.- Serious irregular behavior is understood as: not respecting the red light of the traffic light, driving the vehicle at a higher speed than the legal maximum allowed or in a reckless manner; driving without having obtained the license or when it has expired.

Articles 3.- This Law will apply to those situations in which social works or insurance do not cover said expenses.

Chapter II


Article 4.- The authority for the application of this Law will be the Ministry of Health or the organization that replaces it in the future.

Article 5.- The tariffing of medical-care services for the purposes of this Law is governed by the values ​​of the nomenclature to be established by the application authority.

Article 6.- The application authority must arbitrate the necessary means to collect the medical-care and logistics services provided. The certification of the debt for the expenses that arise from the intervention of the State must be initialed by the enforcement authority and has the character of an executive title, in the terms established by the regulations of this law.

Chapter III


Article 7.- For those who committed the accident and required medical assistance from the Public Health System, they must undergo training in road safety granted by whoever establishes the Executive Branch in the regulations.

Article 8.- 20% of the total resources obtained, in accordance with the provisions of article 1, will be distributed as follows:

a) 10% to the implementation of official road safety prevention and awareness programs.

b) 10% as a non-refundable contribution to Civil Society Organizations (CSO) whose corporate purpose is directly related to road safety.

Article 9.- This law must be regulated within 60 days from its publication in the Official Gazette.

Article 10.- Form.

Text: Fernando Frugoni, legislator from Río Negro

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