Celebrating on the routes

Celebrating on the routes
Celebrating on the routes

If we have to talk about San Juan heavy metal, it is unavoidable to talk about Huaykil, today one of the local groups that has been able to transcend and grow outside the Cuyo borders. His style and powerful live sound presence have been leaving an important mark on the representation of the genre on each stage he visits. Within the framework of an excellent season, the group is making several presentations, releasing a new line-up and also an album, called “Renacer”, recently released. But also, the band made up of Lucas Bongiovanni, Santiago Aguilar, Miguel Páez, Alejandro Pozzo and Sebastián Díaz is preparing to start a recital tour throughout the country, to celebrate 25 years of existence. The first stop will be in Córdoba, next June 22, and with a more than particular seasoning: It will be nothing more and nothing less than the preview of the La Renga recital. Having finished the commitments of having performed in local spaces a few weeks ago, Alejandro Pozzo, leader and founder of the band, spoke with DIARIO DE CUYO about the expectations of this “Tour 25” that is about to begin and about what the spirit was like. to go through two and a half decades of history.

“It is a relevant moment we are experiencing, because on this tour we will be traveling along the country’s routes and it will be an artistic event for us. From the first day the band hit the road, 25 years ago, a fraternity was generated that we keep alive. As it was a very long path that Huaykil sustained, through many people who were part of this, as a founder I feel proud and at the same time surprised by how our music is heard in many places and we receive support and messages from thousands of followers who without doubts gives us a lot of energy to continue. For all that, this tour is designed like this and we will start it soon, within the framework of the Banquet that La Renga will give,” the drummer commented enthusiastically.

The itinerary is formed as follows. On the 22nd of this month, Huaykil will perform in advance of the La Renga recital, called “Welcome to the Banquet”, which will take place at the Sports Center of the Unión Obrera Metalúrgica (UOM) on Route 9. It will be in a festival that will bring together to all the rock bands and to the public who will “hold out” in the hours before and then move on to the long-awaited La Renga show at the Alberto Kempes Stadium. The next date will be August 17, in Mendoza; On October 11 they will travel to Carcarañá, Santa Fe; On October 12 they will be in Rosario and then they will have recitals in Bahía Blanca, Córdoba, La Rioja, Chepes and three more performances in CABA and the Province of Buenos Aires. The tour will culminate in December with a great celebration, with guest artists, in San Juan, with a place and date yet to be defined. It will be a super birthday, extended until the end of the year.

Pozzo also shared the joy of being able to celebrate, precisely, with the emotional support of the leading band of reference, which is La Renga. “The friendship with them is based on the respect and approval that the production guys, the musicians and Chizzo Nápoli himself give us. From the human and from the artistic point of view, we are united by the same message, which we share and transmit: the love for one’s land and the love for music,” said the artist, who is also a member of the technical staff of La Renga.

Since October 12, 2012, for the so-called “anti-celebration of Race Day”, when La Renga, Huaykil and Rubén Patagonia made the Plaza Próspero Molina in Cosquín vibrate; Added to their participation in Cosquín Rock in the summer of 2014, the visibility of the San Juan group in the national emerging rock scene was positive and consolidated.

“At 57 years old, Huaykil never stops giving injections of adrenaline that pushes us to continue making records, organizing tours. We are very active and it is an unstoppable force that puts us in full creation on this anniversary, defending our music,” said Pozzo, whose sensations and reflections are partly reflected in the songs of the new album “Renacer”, which was presented for the first time. live, just sharing the stage with another great figure of Argentine metal like Claudio “Tano” Marciello (former Almafuerte guitarist) recently at Complejo Eliazar. Yes, one of the recognizable signs of the San Juan band is the friction and reputation that it knew how to forge among the consecrated people. First being support in La Renga recitals (from 2000 to 2016); with Almafuerte (since 2004); along with The Other Self (2005); White Rat and Motörhead (2007); Lovorne (2008); Eruca Sativa (2011 and 2013), V8 (2013) and an extensive list of performances that follows the rhythm of the band’s tireless heart.
In the midst of the anniversary celebrations, he is already planning the previews of a new album -in development-, whose production will materialize in 2025.

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