What is happening in the Tunja Mayor’s Office?

What is happening in the Tunja Mayor’s Office?
What is happening in the Tunja Mayor’s Office?


The Mayor’s Office of Tunja faces a new crisis after the resignation of Germán Mora, Secretary of Infrastructure, which represents the departure of a fifth member of the cabinet in just six months, under the administration of Mayor Mikhail Krasnov. This series of resignations highlights the instability in the municipal government team and has generated concern between residents and local leaders about the administrative direction of the city.

Germán Mora joins a growing list of senior officials who have recently left their positions, including the Strategic Manager of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT), Lorena Stephanny Abril Rodríguez, in the Secretary of the Treasury Adriana Carolina Gutiérrez Buitrago, the former Chief of Staff Jessica Tatiana Zipa Martínez, and in the Recreation Institute and the Sports of Tunja (IRDET), Jorge Luis Rodríguez Vega.

Councilor Román Quintero Corredor expressed his concern about the situation, stating: “This is not a good sign for the municipality. We have observed improvisations on the part of the administration and we have pointed it out in the Council sessions. It is not reasonable that, in just over three months, 30 or 40 percent of the cabinet has been renewed. This shows that things are not going well in the administration and we must be attentive to what happens.”

Quintero also highlighted the lack of experience in some of the new appointments: “Many secretaries have been appointed without having the necessary knowledge. Our city faces a crisis in many ways and significant challenges. The mayor’s inexperience in public affairs has led to the appointment of secretaries without the necessary skills, as initially happened with the Secretary of the Treasury. In just over 100 days of administration, they have already resigned four secretaries, which is not common and can indicate a crisis.”

Germán Mora’s resignation underlines the difficulties facing the Krasnov administration to maintain stability in his government team, increasing pressure on the mayor to address criticism and demonstrate more effective and cohesive management in the coming months.

However, Mora also mentioned personal and professional reasons for his decision: “What you promised in the campaign to the people of Tunja does not correspond to reality. “I have been subjected to mistreatment that has affected my emotional well-being and my ability to perform my duties effectively.”

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Furthermore, Mora reported having received instructions that he considers ethically questionable and potentially illegal: “This goes against my personal and professional principles, and I cannot commit to actions that clearly have legal and reputational consequences for me and the city.”

In his resignation, the Secretary also criticized the personnel hiring processes, denouncing undue favors and unethical practices.: “The instructions given in hiring personnel in which it is requested to have people who sign the contract, but do not carry out the work directly, are ethically intolerable and legally reprehensible.”

Germán Mora’s resignation represents an additional challenge for Mikhail Krasnov’s administration in Tunja, who now faces the task of restoring public trust and stabilizing his government team amid growing criticism of his administrative and political management.

Besides, This situation occurs after the suspension of Diana Carolina Espinosa, who took over as Secretary of Women, Gender Equality and Social Inclusion of Tunjaand to whom the Tunja Person’s Office opened a disciplinary investigation and suspended her for three months, for allegedly having lied in the requirements of her resume. This situation adds more uncertainty about the stability and transparency in the municipal administration.

Let us remember that The Ombudsman also investigates alleged irregularities in the service provision contract that Ecovivienda signed with Juan Sebastián Ramírez García, the lawyer who had demanded the election of the mayor but who days later was hired and alleged inconsistencies and irregularities related to the lack of requirements in the contract signed by the Mayor of Tunja with Giovanni Alfonso Calderón, the coordinator of Activa-T.

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