The famous Mariano hostel in Córdoba will become a four-star hotel after an investment of 6 million euros

New major accommodation project in the capital: the company Hotel Leases and Operations Pedrero, owner of the Mariano hotelwill give this property a new and renewed life, with a powerful investment. Because it will be a great four stars -before cease its activity it had one and it was also a hostel. The project to delimit execution units, an essential processing step to reach the works, in the land pocket on Cádiz Avenue where said accommodation is built, is approved this Tuesday by the Urban Planning Management. It has a long procedure behind it.

Mariano Hidalgomanager of Leases and Hotel Operations Pedrero, has explained to ABC the keys of this operation. As indicated, it will be a four-star hotel, which, according to its latest design, will have “106 rooms.”

This company from Córdobahe continued explaining, plans to carry out a investment of 6.13 million in starting this hotel. Of that amount, 1.9 comes from aid granted by the Ministry of Finance.

The conditions of the granting of these funds They are the ones that mark the calendar who has the execution of this accommodation ahead of him, explained Hidalgo. After four years of procedures to activate the project, this businessman has expressed himself “satisfied” for having managed to advance in the urban planning procedures necessary to undertake this four-star project.

The hotel, explained by the owner company, must be open before November 2026. Deadline to receive important aid granted by the Government

So, hope to be able get the license so that “in six, seven or eight months” construction can begin. “We hope it speeds up,” he said. I eat very late, It should arrive in May of the the next year, because the works will last a year and a half and this hotel must be up and running by November 2026, to maintain state aid. “We hope to have it open by the end of 2026,” stressed the administrator of Hotel Leases and Operations Pedrero.

Around forty workers

He has also advanced some more issues of this project. In principle, this businessman has explained, the approach of the works is to maintain the structure of the Mariano hotel and subject it to a total reform. However, the option of having to demolish it has not yet been ruled out.

In this business, they predict that about forty people work; including services such as cleaning and laundry. He has pointed out that “we have a international operator interested in management» of this four-star hotel, although he preferred not to provide his identity. And this management will be carried out by another company, which will not be the one promoting the project.

Image of the Mariano hotel, today

valerio merino

He origin of this operationHidalgo has detailed, is in the last stage of activity of this hotel. «We had the establishment leased for a period at a businessman, who did not carry out any reform for improvement or rehabilitation,” he recalled. So, when they had the propertythis one was «very deteriorated and nothing could be used». The owners of this accommodation decided to “go one step further” when it came to recovering it.

«The current conditions in Córdoba indicate that a four-star hotel was going to have more impact than a one-star hotel. And, once we had to carry out works, we had more room for maneuvergoing from 70 rooms we had before to 106 [crecerán un 50%]for amortize the investment», he reflected. “Everything was positive components for the change of category,” she concluded.

This initial approval of the delimitation of execution units on Cádiz Avenue should put on track a urban planning unit that has had a very long history on paper. It was definitively approved in January 2007, promoted by a different company than the one promoting it now. This came to present a reparceling project. The file expired in April 2023. After that, another project to delimit urban units on this piece of land was launched again, but it was paralyzed. In February the process was declared concluded and the proceedings were archived. It has been presented again for the third time and this Tuesday it is approved by Urban Planning.

Hotel offer

The hotel plant – pensions and hostels are also included – of the capital is located as of the date of Maylatest data provided by the National Institute of Statistics (INE) and high season period in these parts -, in a estimate of 7,584 places, distributed in 92 establishments. The offer exceeds without difficulties to which there was before Covid broke out, when in the fifth month of 2019 it was 7,207. That is, in the last five years, it has experienced a growth of 5.2% (+377).

In May, the capital recorded 7,584 hotel beds, 5.2% more (+377) than in the same period of 2019, before Covid broke out.

Now, the capacity to accommodate travelers from these businesses already exceeded that prior to the pandemic in May 2022, with 7,510 places. That figure implied a 35.5% growth with respect to that registered in same month of 2021 (5,541), when the pandemic restrictions on accommodation activity were felt. The year-on-year increases after May have been much more modest: 0.8% in 2023 and 0.2%. In terms of number of hotels, it should be noted that there is currently one less than in the fifth month of 2019.

Of course, although operators in the accommodation sector continue to bet on Córdoba, it must be taken into account that in our city a serious competitor in tourist apartments. In it last trienniumfrom February 2021 (indicator influenced by Covid) to the same month of 2024, this type of housing has increased its offer by 63% -also according to the INE-. It went from 5,518 places to 8,992. That figure comfortably exceeds the 7,501 that hotels had in February 2024.

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